Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/08/2020

Place Faith in Jesus Only

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P66 (04-08-20)


As we close in the last chapter of Romans, Paul writes a warning to us to be on guard against false prophets, against those who use flattery to draw disciples away after them, who claim to have special knowledge, of those who deny the humanity and deity of Christ. The false prophets today are the prosperity gospel teachers who teach godliness as a means to financial gain. The other false teachers are those who preach the tithe as a means to be blessed of God. We have the words of Jesus issuing the same warning, telling us ahead of time about this spirit of the anti-Christ that is already in the world. You have those anti-Christ religions, such as the Jehovah Witnesses, who deny Jesus is God, that you should stay away from. We have the writings of the apostle John, writings to help a pastor protect the people of God from the false prophets, the Gnostics in their midst, bringing destructive heresies. We have the words of Timothy and the apostles, warning us again and again to be on guard. Do not listen to those false prophets. Stay away from … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/07/2020

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P65 (04-07-20)


When you think of church, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Do you think of activities, a church building on the corner of walk and don’t walk? Or, do you think of people you so dearly loved, of how they have grown in the Lord, memories of how they moved your heart, influenced your own life or the lives of others? Do you think of truth of the word of God that was told that transformed the lives of people, and your own life as well? Do you remember the loving-kindness, the patience and long-suffering, and love that was on display among God’s people? Listen as Paul mentions the names of several people that moved his heart.

The church is people, made up of those who are born again, sanctified, set apart from the world, called unto God. The church is a place to be where we can learn, have fellowship with one another, pray with each other and for one another. With this Corona virus quarantine many are under, the understanding of church is being evaluated. Those who used to meet together, what did you meet together … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 04/06/2020

Eternal Life From Death

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P64 (04-06-20)


If you are a child of God, which happened the moment you became born again, with the Spirit of God living in you, then you have a testimony of how you came to Christ. You know what you were thinking and what your heart was like before coming to Christ. You heard the message of Christ. You had an encounter with the living Christ. People cannot argue with a testimony. It is your story of how God began the process of changing you. You are not perfect, and you still fall short, but God imputed His righteousness to you. You have been made complete in Christ, made into a new creation, not based on anything you did or failed to do, but on the fact you trusted Christ alone for what he did for you. That is our testimony, of those who are in Christ Jesus.

We read about Paul’s testimony. And how in his testimony, what his former way of thinking was, a Pharisee of Pharisees, even giving approval to the stoning of Stephen. But then he encountered the risen Christ. He never came to Christ asking Jesus to forgive … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/01/2020

The Father And Jesus Are One

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P63 (04-01-20)


Listen as Bob George shares background information as to what the culture was like among the Jews in the time of Christ. Listen as he describes how the Jews and the Gentiles were at odds with each other. Then something amazing happens. Jesus, who is God in the flesh, has come to this earth to reveal his plan to save both the Jew and the Gentile the same way. Paul is called of God to be an apostle to the Gentiles. Here he is struggling with his own people, back in Jerusalem, and they are just as proud and arrogant as he once was. Paul then shares his testimony of his former way of life, and how he met Christ, became a new creation, born again as a child of God. Paul has one goal in mind, to make the message of Christ Jesus known to all men.

Listen as Bob George shares again what salvation really is. So many people, even today, both Jews and Gentiles, have not understood what salvation is. Salvation is not getting sins forgiven. Why do you say that? For that is what Jesus already did … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/31/2020

Don't Set Aside The Grace of God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P62 (03-31-20)


As you read about the conversion of Paul in Damascus, of his former way of life, and how he met the risen Lord, and how devoted he was to get the message of the good news out, what does that compel us to do? As you read along in Romans 15 and Acts 20-21, you realize that Paul, in so doing, met all kinds of trials and tribulations, and many times just one blow away from death, yet he was not dissuaded to proclaim this gospel. Listen along with the audio, as Bob George shares the heart of Paul and his devotion to Christ.

How devoted are we to share this message of good news, of life in Christ Jesus? If you are in Christ Jesus, knowing that when you die, you will be absent from the body and present with the Lord, and that those who are not yet in Christ, are headed to a place called hell, that if they were to die tonight, they will be forever separated from God where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8:12, 13:42,50; 22:13, 24:51, 25:30), where the fire … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/30/2020

Choose Jesus For Life

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P61 (03-30-20)


We are in the book of Romans where Paul said he was going to Jerusalem. Paul was determined to finish the race God had set out for him. He would not be hindered or set off course by the warnings of men in regards to danger and his safety. Whatever God has called him to say and do or where to go, that is what he will do and go. Do we have that same resolve, of single-minded focus on Christ, on our real purpose on this earth God has called us to, knowing that this life on earth is temporary. Do people realize that they will all die one day, and we will either wake up in the presence of God, living with Him forever, or live eternally separated from God in a place called hell?

Listen along as Bob George retells what has transpired in Paul’s decision to go Jerusalem, highlighting the attitude of his heart, that to live is Christ and to die is gain. Follow along in Romans 15, and also the end of Acts 20, providing more detail. Acts 21 also provides more detail of his … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message