Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P66 (04-08-20)
As we close in the last chapter of Romans, Paul writes a warning to us to be on guard against false prophets, against those who use flattery to draw disciples away after them, who claim to have special knowledge, of those who deny the humanity and deity of Christ. The false prophets today are the prosperity gospel teachers who teach godliness as a means to financial gain. The other false teachers are those who preach the tithe as a means to be blessed of God. We have the words of Jesus issuing the same warning, telling us ahead of time about this spirit of the anti-Christ that is already in the world. You have those anti-Christ religions, such as the Jehovah Witnesses, who deny Jesus is God, that you should stay away from. We have the writings of the apostle John, writings to help a pastor protect the people of God from the false prophets, the Gnostics in their midst, bringing destructive heresies. We have the words of Timothy and the apostles, warning us again and again to be on guard. Do not listen to those false prophets. Stay away from … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message