Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/26/2020

Jesus is The Life

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P48 (02-26-20)

Paul addresses the attitudes of the heart in a believer, resulting in actions of love toward one another, the body of Christ. Christ Jesus is the head of the church and we are the body. As the body of Christ, we belong to one another, and should be acting in love for one another. When one part of the body hurts, we hurt with him. When one part of the body rejoices, we rejoice with him. We each are given spiritual gifts for building each other up; prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading, and showing mercy. Even if one aspect is not our spiritual gift, we learn from one another, and become just as effective, as we observe how one another operates in their gift. In this way the body builds itself up in love as each part does its work. So let us look at these attitudes and actions of love; sincere in love, hating what is evil, clinging to what is good, being devoted to one another in love, honoring one another above ourselves, with spiritual fervor, serving the Lord, joyful always, praying continuously, giving thanks in all circumstances, helping … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/25/2020

Classic Christianity and Bible Studies

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P47 (02-25-20)

As we delve into Romans 12, let us review also what the apostle Paul is sharing concerning this gift of new life in Christ Jesus. He went to great lengths to explain how both the Jews and the Gentiles are both alike under sin and death. He explained how sin caused our death, that we were born dead in sin, having inherited that sin nature from Adam. God, seeing the fallen state of mankind, sent His only Son into the world so the world might be saved through him. See, we were condemned already, for not believing in God’s only Son.

Think about that. Anything that does not come from faith is sin. Faith is the basis of trust, of trusting someone completely. So what happened in the garden of Eden? Adam chose not to believe God, when He said if you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, if you decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil, then you shall surely die. Adam did what God warned him not to do and he died.

Romans 5:12

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Radio Broadcast Monday 02/24/2020

Classic Christianity Illustrated

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P46 (02-24-20)


Oh, the depths of the wisdom of God. The Jews are bound in disobedience for now, because they did not recognize the Messiah. The Gentiles, who did not pursue God, were found by God, and received mercy, because they believed the message of Christ Jesus. A day is coming when the last Gentile will come in. In God“s dealing with the Gentiles, the Jews, seeing how God saved us in our disobedience, and had mercy on us all, they will be those among the Jews who will turn to Christ Jesus in faith and be saved. Untold thousands have already. But there is a day when the prince of peace will come, and they shall see the one they had pierced. All eyes shall see Him on that glorious day.

So, anyone can be grafted in today, Jew or Gentile, slave or free, and are saved the same way. The hope of salvation still stands and has always been standing, while we are still alive on this earth. For God is not willing that anyone should perish, but all to come to Him by faith, and become born again. God longs … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/19/2020

Do Not Harden Your Heart to Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P45 (02-19-20)


Although many people, among the Jews, rejected the message of the gospel, a remnant was saved. Many Jews did reject Christ Jesus as the Messiah. However, there is always a remnant that are willing to listen. The first people who came to Christ were Jewish people. Thousands heard the preaching of the apostle Peter, and the other apostles, and were saved. There are those who will have humble hearts, who will hear, believe and be saved.

Today, it seems, not many people want to listen to truth. Many people’s minds are made up, and do not realize the errors they have believed. They would rather hold on to their denominational belief system, but not test it out with the word of God to see if what is said is true. Few will even open a bible up to read it. I encourage you to read your bible, not to gather information, but to get to know the author, who is God. As you read, ask the Holy Spirit to explain to you the meaning of it. Learn to ask questions of God. If you seek Him with all your heart, He … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/18/2020

Jesus is The Good News

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P44 (02-18-20)


The Jew and the Gentile are saved the same way. What a revelation! They are saved by belief in the message concerning Christ Jesus, by grace through faith, all of God and not of anything we do. Grace is the gift of God and grace is Jesus. Jesus died to take away the cause of death, which is sin. That was preparation in order for life to be given. Jesus then rose again, and ascended back to His Father, in order to offer life to mankind. Anyone who accepts this message is born again, having been given the right to become children of God. That which was lost in the garden of Eden, the Spirit of God, can now be placed back into mankind. The Spirit of God left mankind and all men were born without the Spirit of God. When someone is born again, the Spirit of God is placed back into him. You are born again when you simply put your faith in what Jesus alone accomplished for you by his death, burial and resurrection. That is the gospel the apostle Paul proclaimed.

Would you like to pray to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 02/17/2020

Jesus The Stone

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P43 (02-17-20)


How is it that our flesh is so prone to begin puffed up with pride. The apostle Paul now addresses this issue of pride with the Gentiles. The Gentiles, who pursued pleasure and certainly were not seeking God, found God, or rather, were found by God, believed the message concerning Christ Jesus and were saved. The Jews, who pursued a righteousness that is by works, a self righteousness, and, therefore, rejected the message concerning Christ Jesus. The Jews received all of the law and the prophets, saw the parting of the Red Sea, had the Old Covenant scriptures read to them, and in numerous ways God provided for them, yet they failed to come to Christ for life. The Gentiles then began to get haughty and proud that they came to life in Christ while the Jews did not. Paul wrote to the Romans, to the the Gentile believers in Rome, to correct this attitude.

Paul explains that he himself is a Jew, and shares from his heart how he longs for all of Israel, his brothers and sisters by heritage, to be saved. The Jews had a zeal for God … Listen to Broadcast & Read More