Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P600 (01-21-21)
It is so important to speak truth in love, for that is how people are set free, with truth. So what hinders us from speaking truth? Is it not fear? And if we fear, where is our attention mostly on? Is it not on ourselves, in what we perceive we might lose or be hurt by others who may not think the same way we do, of the persecution we might receive by not telling the truth? What do you think happened in Nazi Germany, when people were afraid to speak out in truth? There is a time in which when people fail to live in accordance with what is true that freedom is taken away more and more, until before long the consequences are so severe, it is nearly impossible to ever gain your freedom back. What would happen to the black man in the days of slavery if courageous men did not speak the truth and had what were truly peaceful protests back then, unlike what people falsely claim as peaceful protests today, with buildings on fire in the background, yet calling it peaceful. Such men of hypocrisy, … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/21/2021”