Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/13/2020

Lift Jesus Up

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P12 (05-13-20)


Jesus, who is God in the flesh, lived in total dependence on the Father while he walked on this earth. He did nothing on His own initiative, even though as God, He could have been the dynamic of His own action and the cause of His own effect. He could have spoke things into existence that are not, as if they were. But He chose to do only what His Father told Him to do and exactly what the Father told Him to say and how to say it. Now, that is perfect faith in action.

Now we are to follow the example of His attitude of faith, not his actions. How can we follow his actions of raising the dead? I have not seen any human being raise the dead. No one has the power to do that. That is only something God can do. And Jesus, who is God, raised Lazarus from the dead. Why? His Father told Him to.

So we are to do and say what God tells us to do or say. That is the attitude of faith we are to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/12/2020

Place Your Confidence in Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P11 (05-12-20)


Faith is the confidence of what we hope for. What do we hope for? Is it not meaning and purpose in life. But we cannot have meaning and purpose in life without God. You were created by God with a unique design. Just as a light bulb is created to function to be powered by electricity or an oil lamp to give light by having oil in it, or a car to move by having gasoline in it, for it was designed to function that way. Just as oil in the lamp is indispensable to the functioning of the lamp, or gasoline in a car is indispensable to the functioning of the car, God in the man is indispensable to the functioning of the man.

When God created man, He breathed in him the breath of life, the Spirit of God to live in him so he can know and communicate with the living God. The Spirit of God left man when man decided to function without God, that he can decide for himself what is right and what is wrong. That is what happened in … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/11/2020

Respond in Faith to Jesus Christ

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P10 (05-11-20)


So this faith is our communication with the living God who lives in us. You can trust someone you have come to know and who loves you perfectly. This is how we are designed to live, in dependence upon God. Jesus modeled that dependent attitude, when He being God came to this earth in the appearance as a man, and chose to live as a man so that we, who are not God, may know how to live. So He tells us, “as the Father sent me, so I send you. ” So is He telling us to do what Jesus did, to raise the dead? No, that is something only God does and can do. But He is saying to us to have that same attitude that is in Christ Jesus, the attitude that says “I live in total dependency on the Father. I do nothing on My own initiative, but I do what the Father has told me to do and I say what He has told me to say.”

When we were lost, we were into all kinds of dependencies, but misplaced dependencies, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/06/2020

God Jesus Rewards You Through Faith in Him

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P9 (05-06-20)


Now, let us delve into what faith is. Let us explain with illustrations, of what it is and what it is not. Let us look at the example of Abraham’s faith and Mary’s faith. Faith is like the engine of a train and we being the caboose. Faith is what directs our path and the caboose follows. The caboose never pulls the train. It has no power to do so. Neither do we muster up faith to tell God what to do. No, we simply let faith lead us and we follow in complete trust.

There are other illustrations but one thing for sure is that faith is not a feeling. Feelings do not pull us. Faith does. It is the substance of things not seen. Feeling is not a substance. It is stupid. It only responds predictably to what is put in the mind. So when Jesus tells us not to worry, He is really telling us to guard what we put in our mind and to guard what we hear. Is what we hear based on truth, on what God has said, or is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/05/2020

Faith is Not Based on Feelings

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P8 (05-05-20)


Now this faith is so crucial for us to grab a hold of. Faith is how we are designed by God to live, by faith in Christ, who is our life. We are to trust what God has said. Do we rely on our feelings? Many times we do, but we should not. Feelings are dumb. They only respond to what is put in it. What you are thinking about result in the emotions that follow. Feelings respond to what you are thinking about. So, in this day in age, with the Coronavirus, and depending on where you are, many people can be quite anxious. Anxiety is common to our human experience. It is not unusual for us to be anxious. But, did you know that anxiety and worry are the opposite of faith?

Jesus told us not to worry, as he shared with his disciples about the lilies of the field and how God clothes them, and they are here today, and gone tomorrow. So, do not worry about tomorrow, about what you should eat or drink or wear. So, do we trust the God … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/04/2020

Without Faith it is Impossible to Please God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P7 (05-04-20)


Have you understood what faith is? Is faith something I must muster up in order for God to do something? No, for that would make me the initiator, as the one playing God, and dictating or manipulating God to act, but God is the initiator and I am simply a child of God who responds in faith. Faith is trusting what God has said, and acting on that, but faith cannot make anything happen. When you think of creation, it testifies there is a God. So no man is without excuse, ever able to say that he did not know God exists. That is the beginning of faith.

When you think about a flower, it’s beauty and intricacy, about the marble Earth floating in space and yet there are seasons and years like clockwork, and then animal life, or the birth of a new child, how can you think there is no God? So, when there is a God, and you know he created the apple tree, and you know he created the apple so you can eat and live and have life, then you know … Listen to Broadcast & Read More