Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/25/2024

The Peace of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P954 (07-25-24)

Fear Not. For The Jesus That is in Your Today, is in Your Tomorrow

~ When we are in Christ, and He is in us, we can rest in the fact that the Jesus of my today will be with me in my tomorrow. Nothing can separate us from the Love of God. When we make decisions today, we need to understand that we can only make a decision for this very moment in time. The decisions we make today should be made based on Truth, not based on fear on what may or may not happen. However, we know that we will face tribulation in life no matter what. So in everything we do, we ought to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in All truth and let the chips fall where they may. For Jesus told us that in this world we will have tribulation. But when we trust in him, there is a peace that surpasses all understanding. That is who we need to focus on, Jesus, and He will make all our paths straight. The bottom line is, “Do not let your heart be troubled and … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/20/2023

Repent And Believe Jesus is God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P827 (04-20-23)

What Does Repentance Mean in the Scriptures?

~ We repent of our unbelief in Jesus and believe in Him for salvation. When we change our mind (repent), the Holy Spirit gives us eternal life at that very moment in time.

~ “The world’s sin is unbelief in me; there is righteousness available because I go to the Father and you shall see me no more; there is deliverance from judgment because the prince of this world has already been judged.” John 16:9-11 ~ Living Bible

~ Bob George
“Repentance in the Bible, as we’ve kind of mentioned before, is a very strong word. We have watered it down like we do the word Christian and everything else would then have a meaning to it. And so repentance is the same way. It’s a very, very strong word. It is used in the Scriptures only as it relates to salvation, because you’re talking about a total change of identity, you’re not talking about I’m smoking but I’m going to repent and quit smoking, because you could start again. And that would mean you never repented. So repentance in the Scripture means a … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 11/11/2022

He First Loved Us

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P787 (11-11-22)

It’s Not That We Love God But He Loved Us First

~ “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” 1 John 4:10 “We love him, because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19

So many times we get in the mode of thinking, “why can’t I love others as God loves me?” And the reason we get into that mode of thinking is because of the flesh. And Satan stirs up the flesh in all of us. But here is the thing to remember if you are truly in Christ Jesus, is that Jesus lives in you, and through the Holy Spirit He does love that other person as Christ Jesus loves. We need to step back and realize that this flesh will always rear its ugly head, but then point out to ourselves that the Holy Spirit lives in us, and the Spirit does indeed love the other person as God loves us.

So, don’t let Satan beat you up over those fleshly responses to others, and focus on Christ Jesus who is … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/22/2022

In Christ Jesus Present With The Lord

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P728 (04-22-22)

We The Body of Believers are The Church – We Will be Absent From the Body and Present With The Lord

Welcome to Classic Christianity radio with Bob George today. We are pleased to present a special Radio Show featuring callin listeners from Bob’s original People-to-People daily radio program that was on the air for over 30 years offering real answers for real life problems as he addresses common questions as well as the tough issues of today directing callers to the centrality of Christ in you, your only hope of glory. We want to remind our listeners that Bob George Ministries needs your financial support to continue to have Classic Christianity Radio on the air. Please visit to find out how you can help support us financially. Let’s now join Bob as he presents practical, biblical insights as he helps people experience a life of faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.


The first caller was Bambi calling from Turlock, California. Her question was in regards to a local church calling out an elder right in front of the whole church.

Listen in as Bob explains how this … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/11/2022

Jesus Makes us Into New Creations

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P716 (03-11-22)

Don’t Beat Yourself Up as a Branch – Abide in the Vine

In today’s call in program, there are a number of topics that are pertinent for today. Listen in as Bob shares wisdom from the word of God. Abide in the Vine for He is the one that is directing our paths. We don’t have any power in our flesh to do the things of God.

Julie from Springfield, Oregon.

Julie called to ask about living with someone outside of marriage. She says she believes she knows the answer to it. A woman who is living with someone else outside of marriage, and what are your views on it? And why are counselors so quiet about that? Julie, at first shares as if she was talking about some person in general but then admits that she is a woman who is living with someone outside of marriage and even that she has left and come back into that situation several times. She later confesses that her boyfriend says he loves Jesus and God but hates to talk about God. So in addition to fornication, she is unequally yoked with an … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/11/2021

Present With The Lord

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P687 (11-11-21)

Absent From the Body and Present With the Lord

Join Bob as he talks with callers about a time for all things. Being absent from the body and present with the Lord when a believer’s body dies. We have this glorious hope before us!

Another caller asks Bob about Jesus turning water into wine. Understanding the timing issue too. Very interesting. Jesus does nothing other than what the Father tells Him to do. Jesus lived as the perfect Man, following all what the Father had told him to do.

John 5:19
19 Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

Another caller asks about multiple wives in the Old Testament. Today we are told one man and one woman in marriage.

1 Corinthians 7:2
2 But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband.

A followup caller spoke of sex before marriage. Bob explains this as what it is, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message