Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/08/2022

Faith is Standing in Truth of Forgiveness

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P23 (11-08-22)

People Say They Believe in Jesus, But They Don’t Place Faith in Him

~ True faith is trusting in Jesus for what he did on the cross for you. Jesus has forgiven You (past tense). Faith says thank you to God.

~ The only kind of life that can be restored to a man who is dead is resurrection life.

~ No man can redeem the life of another. No payment is ever enough.

~ What is redemption from God’s perspective?

~ What is an empty way of life? What makes it empty?

~ How can dead people make themselves acceptable to other people?

~ If you hold on to my teaching, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

Listen in to today’s lesson with more in-depth teaching, from the Bible study booklet, A Closer Look at Law & Grace, available for purchase from our online Bob George Ministries ecommerce store.

Jesus asked how does God love and accept us? And how does he expect us to live the Christian life? To answer those questions, this insightful study explores a vital issue … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/05/2022

Work of Ministry is to Believe in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P758 (08-05-22)

The Work of The Ministry is to Believe in Jesus. Share Jesus With Others as the Holy Spirit Leads You.

~ When we hear the Holy Spirit calling us to share Jesus with others, we are simply to share the truth, and results are in His hands. So many times we tend to get frustrated with others, and we just want to shake them, and say to them, “Don’t you get this? This is great news!” Yet there are times where people simply do not want to open their hearts up to the Lord at that particular point in time in their lives. But here is the thing to remember, “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” 1 Corinthians 3:7

Don’t get all caught up in the results. The results are in God’s hands. So as we go through life, maybe our ministry is to a select few people that God has placed in your life. Simply make your body available to Him, a living sacrifice that He has made holy, for Him to use you as He … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/12/2022

Jesus is The Righteousness of God - Live by Faith

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P20 (01-12-22)

For in the Gospel the Righteousness of God is Revealed! 

“For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” Romans 1:17

A righteousness that is by faith from first to last! Do you believe it? Or, are you still trying to live in the energy of the flesh? Here’s the thing folks, you are never ever going to get that flesh cleaned up. It rears it’s ugly head time and time again. The things I don’t want to do, I do and the things I want to do, I don’t do. You can’t carry it out. Paul found this out for himself. He found out that there was nothing good in his flesh. Every time he thought about himself, he realized that that was the flesh talking to him. The flesh loves me, myself and I. It focuses on self. And it loves self righteousness.

Paul explained to the Philippians, that he himself had reasons for such confidence (in the flesh) though he put No … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/07/2022

Understanding the New Covenant

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P698 (01-07-22)

Understanding the New Covenant vs the Old Covenant

Marriage and divorce are topics of conversation that come up for Christians many times as being held as a hammer over someone’s head, especially if they are or have been divorced. Yet it’s so vitally important to put things in the proper perspective. Divorce, marriage and remarriage in the New Covenant vs divorce, marriage and remarriage under the Old Covenant are items that need to be addressed and placed in the proper context. First off, we need to understand which side of the cross we live under right now, and also to understand that Jesus taught under the Old Covenant of the law. He taught that because He needed to bury us under it completely. Only Jesus could and did obey the law. We can not obey it.

The first caller, Michael called from Atlanta Georgia. He called about marriage and divorce.

Bob explains the New Covenant and points out that we live on the New Testament side of the cross. We live in the New Covenant. We live under a new will of God. The old Covenant was the law, and no … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

New Years P2 Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/28/2021

Your Identity in Christ Jesus

Classic Christianity – New Years P2 (12-28-21)

If You Are in Christ Jesus, You Are a Child of God!

So when you become born again, what is your identity? Are you a Baptist, a Presbyterian, or whatever title you choose to associate with? No. The bible only gives you one identity, a child of God. Denominations teach you denominational persuasions of men. Do you hold the teachings of men higher than God’s Truth? What these denomination teach might be true or it might not be. How do you know that what people are teaching you is true? By the word of God you hold in your hands, and by the Spirit of God, living in you, who has promised to guide you into all truth. Do you test whatever any man says is true? Do you test what is being said by looking into God’s word, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you? That is what the apostle Paul commended the Bereans for doing. We also have the exhortation to study the word so at to rightly divide the word of God. We are instructed to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Did you know that … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

New Years P1 Radio Broadcast Monday 12/27/2021

Faith is Agreeing With and Trusting God

Classic Christianity – New Years P1 (12-27-21)

God Wants to Renew Your Mind

“For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know, even as also I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12

So often mankind lives in error because of the futility of their thinking. We are born spiritually dead, without the life of God in us, and until we are born again, we are essentially left to our own carnal thinking. We think we can pull it off and obey the law, or we think we can decide for ourselves what is right and wrong, and have no understanding that God within the man is indispensable to the proper functioning of the man. When we speak to a person who is lost, many will reject anything we have to say about Jesus but will pick and chose the “good” things out of all religion as though they can get salvation from all the different religions. The understanding of the lost is so foreign to someone who is now in Christ. They don’t have a clue what being born again means.

When we are born again, the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More