Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P06 (09-28-22)
We Know, Without The Shedding of Blood, There is No Forgiveness. ~ Hebrews 9:22 ~ So Rest!
~ Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness, there’s no more shedding of blood, there’s no more sacrifice. So either keep trying in the desert, or enter in to this Sabbath rest, and rest from your works just as I rested from mine.
You know, folks, that rest still stands. And that is the offer that is still out to each and every one of us that that Sabbath rest still stands and it says, I just did I warn you don’t fail to enter into that thing. And in other words, why would you want to roam in the desert, for the rest of your life playing church in the desert, instead of enjoying the benefits of the life that is available to you in Christ Jesus, and folks that isn’t a life of prosperity and a life of never being sick and all that stuff? That’s desert stuff as well. We’re talking about entering into peace in your soul.
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