Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 1 (11-22-21)
The Work of The Ministry: Trusting in Jesus
So often people trust the words of their pastor or some person. He could be Calvin or MacArthur or your baptist preacher or your Presbyterian preacher, or your Catholic priest, and you would just trust what they tell you as true. After all, he went to seminary, you think. Or he got trained under 2000 years of church history just like the Jews did, for they had Moses as their teacher. But have you ever stopped to think if what they are saying is true? If you are born again, who is living in you? What did he promised you? That he would guide you into all truth. How do you suppose he is going to do that? If you are born again, did you know that you have the mind of Christ, the ability to discern the things of God and make judgments about all things?
Now, we have the example in scripture where Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Satan quoted scripture, but he did it to deceive. Jesus also responded with scripture. He would say, but scripture … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message