Radio Broadcast Monday 11/22/2021

The Holy Spirit

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 1 (11-22-21)

The Work of The Ministry: Trusting in Jesus

So often people trust the words of their pastor or some person. He could be Calvin or MacArthur or your baptist preacher or your Presbyterian preacher, or your Catholic priest, and you would just trust what they tell you as true. After all, he went to seminary, you think. Or he got trained under 2000 years of church history just like the Jews did, for they had Moses as their teacher. But have you ever stopped to think if what they are saying is true? If you are born again, who is living in you? What did he promised you? That he would guide you into all truth. How do you suppose he is going to do that? If you are born again, did you know that you have the mind of Christ, the ability to discern the things of God and make judgments about all things?

Now, we have the example in scripture where Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Satan quoted scripture, but he did it to deceive. Jesus also responded with scripture. He would say, but scripture … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/01/2020

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/01/2020

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P532 (05-01-20)


Listen to Bob answer some common questions people ask still today. Why do I get angry? Is anger a sin? How do I deal with anger? Then you have questions about the Mormons who come knocking on your door. What do they believe? Should I listen to them? Should I let them in? What about Islam and Judaism? Do they worship the same God as Christians?

First of all, anger is a secondary response to fear. It is normal to the human experience, and yes it is sin. So is impatience and not being kind, and anything that is not love, as defined in 1 Corinthians 13. So what Jesus is really getting us to realize and to look at is the attitudes of our heart. He wants us to come to him by faith and to continue walking by faith. Know that there is no condemnation for you, who are in Christ Jesus. Learn to abide in Him, to walk in the Spirit, as Jesus explained to us in the parable of the vine and the branches (John 15). We will still fail at times, for that is so … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/25/2019

The Holy Spirit

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 1 (11-25-19)


So often people trust the words of their pastor or some person. He could be Calvin or MacArthur or your baptist preacher or your Presbyterian preacher, or your Catholic priest, and you would just trust what they tell you as true. After all, he went to seminary, you think. Or he got trained under 2000 years of church history just like the Jews did, for they had Moses as their teacher. But have you ever stopped to think if what they are saying is true? If you are born again, who is living in you? What did he promised you? That he would guide you into all truth. How do you suppose he is going to do that? If you are born again, did you know that you have the mind of Christ, the ability to discern the things of God and make judgments about all things?

Now, we have the example in scripture where Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Satan quoted scripture, but he did it to deceive. Jesus also responded with scripture. He would say, but scripture also says. Now, how important is the … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 08/20/2019

Receive Jesus God

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 61 (08-20-19)


Bob continues to share from John 12. Jesus identifies Himself as the Light of the world. We live in a world full of darkness. The real darkness is that there are souls that do not have the Spirit of God living in them. The Light of the world is not living in them and they are wandering in darkness. They are blind to the truth and cannot understand truth when they hear it. Those who are humble of heart listen to truth and let that truth sink in. If my heart is dead, then I want to know how to get my heart alive. One day the truth comes alive in them. They believe the truth and are saved. Who can explain this?

Just putting your faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, and just putting your faith in that, something changes. One day you were going in one direction and the next, you are going in a completely different direction. Can you come up with an explanation for that? Were you hyped? Was it because of the brilliant presentation that somebody gave? A person once asked Bob, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message