Radio Broadcast Monday 04/06/2020

Eternal Life From Death

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P64 (04-06-20)


If you are a child of God, which happened the moment you became born again, with the Spirit of God living in you, then you have a testimony of how you came to Christ. You know what you were thinking and what your heart was like before coming to Christ. You heard the message of Christ. You had an encounter with the living Christ. People cannot argue with a testimony. It is your story of how God began the process of changing you. You are not perfect, and you still fall short, but God imputed His righteousness to you. You have been made complete in Christ, made into a new creation, not based on anything you did or failed to do, but on the fact you trusted Christ alone for what he did for you. That is our testimony, of those who are in Christ Jesus.

We read about Paul’s testimony. And how in his testimony, what his former way of thinking was, a Pharisee of Pharisees, even giving approval to the stoning of Stephen. But then he encountered the risen Christ. He never came to Christ asking Jesus to forgive … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/01/2020

The Father And Jesus Are One

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P63 (04-01-20)


Listen as Bob George shares background information as to what the culture was like among the Jews in the time of Christ. Listen as he describes how the Jews and the Gentiles were at odds with each other. Then something amazing happens. Jesus, who is God in the flesh, has come to this earth to reveal his plan to save both the Jew and the Gentile the same way. Paul is called of God to be an apostle to the Gentiles. Here he is struggling with his own people, back in Jerusalem, and they are just as proud and arrogant as he once was. Paul then shares his testimony of his former way of life, and how he met Christ, became a new creation, born again as a child of God. Paul has one goal in mind, to make the message of Christ Jesus known to all men.

Listen as Bob George shares again what salvation really is. So many people, even today, both Jews and Gentiles, have not understood what salvation is. Salvation is not getting sins forgiven. Why do you say that? For that is what Jesus already did … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/23/2019

Are You a Professor or a Possessor of Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P442 (5-23-19)

Bob George RadioHolley called to ask about Hebrews 6:4-6. She asked what it means to be partakers of the Holy Spirit. Bob explained the finality of the cross. The passage, in context, is directed to those who never repented of their unbelief in Jesus in the first place, going back to the day of atonement for the forgiveness of sins, making a mockery of the cross and insulting the Spirit of grace. Dominic asked about the meaning of Revelation 3:5. Is everyone in the book of life and then certain people blotted out? Bob explained that anyone who does not have life is not born again. So only those who have life, the Holy Spirit living them, is ever in the book of life. This passage is a terrific encouragement to believers on the assurance of salvation. Adam called to ask the meaning of the vine and the branches in John 15. Bob explained the meaning of this passage in context of those living under the Old Covenant, the Jews, and those of us today, living under a New Covenant, while explaining that Jesus lived under the old while explaining the new. Bob … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/16/2019

Salvation is Eternal Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P440 (5-16-19)

Bob George RadioBob George sometimes received calls from people who have a general question concerning a scripture that seems out of place and does not make sense in reference to the totality of other scriptures. They call to ask Bob for his understanding. Bob addressed a question by Larry to explain Mark 16:6. Sometimes just common sense can get you through a scripture’s intended meaning. We should not drink poison or drink poison thinking we will not be harmed. Bob also explained how a translation can have a passage that is not in the original manuscripts and to take that into consideration when studying God’s word.

Other times people call just to thank Bob for resources received to share with others so as to grow and be encouraged in the faith. Such was the case with Ted who called thanking Bob for bible study materials he received, such as “Classic Christianity” and “Victory over Depression” that he shared with men he was deployed with in Iraq.

Bob also received calls from others who were listening to false teaching. So often people hear preachers say that salvation is coming to get your sins forgiven. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/26/2019

Jesus is Eternal Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P435 (4-26-19)

Bob George RadioBob George was on the air for over 30 years with People to People radio, answering calls to help people experience faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ. This particular radio show has a number of calls in regards to salvation. We highly encourage you to listen to it.

The first caller, Clarence asks a couple of questions. One question is, how can there be all these ministers that are preachers of the gospel, yet they don’t believe in Jesus, God in the flesh? The other question is in regards to as why Bob called out a well known dominiate pastor in regards to something that is being taught?

Another caller, Marie, asks and wants to argue about eternal security and eternal salvation.

Another caller, Charles asks, “what is blasphemy?”

Another caller, Mark asks, “can a person lose their salvation?”

And then the final caller, Elizabeth asks and alludes to a variety of questions in regards to those that endure to the end shall be saved.

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Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/20/2018

Classic Christianity – Call-In Bob George p401 (12-20-18)

Bob George RadioWelcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George. Today we are pleased to present a special radio show, featuring call in listeners from Bob’s original People to People daily radio program that was on the air for over 30 years, offering real answers for real life problems as he addresses common questions as well as the tough issues of today, directing callers to the centrality of Christ in you, the only hope of glory. Let’s now join Bob George as he offers practical biblical insights as he helps people experience faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.

Anesto from El Paso, Texas called to get clarity on eternal security. He was being misled by improper understanding of Ananias and Sapphira’s unusual death recorded in the book of Acts, what he had read concerning fallen angels and Satan, and what he had read in Revelation in regards to remaining faithful to the end lest your name be taken out of the book of life. Randy, from Denver, Colorado called out of deep depression as he explained his marital separation from his wife and his financial difficulties. Debra from Houston, Texas called to ask … Listen to Broadcast & Read More