Radio Broadcast Monday 01/16/2023

Let Jesus Live His Life Through You

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P42 (01-16-23)

You Can’t Live By Law and By the Spirit At The Same Time

~ “You don’t live by principles, you don’t live by law. You don’t live by promises. You live by a life and that life is Christ Jesus the life I live, Paul said, I live by my promises. No, I live by faith in the Son of God, the One who loved me and gave himself for me. I am crucified. Nevertheless, I live by principles is that what it says? No does not. I am crucified nevertheless I live yet not it’s I but it is Christ that lives in me. I don’t live by the law. I don’t live by principles. I don’t live by my promises. I don’t live by my commitments. I don’t live by my accountability groups. I live by Christ Jesus because He lives I live. Now, that is truth out of the Word of God. Now, if we want to live some other way, that’s okay, we’ve got the right to do that. And we’ve got the will to do it. And we certainly God gave us gave … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/11/2023

Classic Christianity and Growing in Grace

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P41 (01-11-23)

The Holy Spirit of God Revels to You What the Word of God Means

~ “So in our subject, Bob, that we’ve been studying through, and we’re coming to the end of this book on law and grace, and so as you recommended to our people, even though we only have a few more weeks of teaching on the radio, you’ve got the rest of your life to learn what’s in this Bible study book that will change your life if you go in it and study it. So we’re going to be studying today your freedom from sin. And then as we venture into the last chapter, it’s living by a higher life, which is the ultimate goal of everything we’ve talked about in the first 12 chapters. So we’ve taken a look at the law, we took a look at the purpose of the law was to show you your sinfulness to lead you to Christ. We’ve talked about about what the law was powerless to do. It can’t give you life. It can’t make you righteous, it cannot justify you, can’t do those things. It … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/01/2022

Fellowship in Jesus and the Body of Christ

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P20 (11-01-22)

If You Have the Son, You Have Eternal Life

~ “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” 1 John 5:12

~ Eternal life begins the very moment you accept Jesus for what he did for you personally. When you realize that Jesus forgave you of all of your sins on the cross, and he is no longer counting your sins against you jump for joy. Now there is no more 1 John 1:9 for forgiveness. You solidify that in your own mind, instead of being tossed to and fro by every wave of doctrine. And you are either in the fellowship saved, or out of the fellowship lost. Don’t let someone convince you, you are bouncing in and out of fellowship. It’s a lie to teach that.

~ “Quite frankly, Bob, I hate to say that, but when I looked back on it, it was a stupid doctrine that I held on to have this thing of bouncing in and out of fellowship and constantly asking God to forgive me. And the reason it is is because … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 10/31/2022

Jesus Brought in The New Covenant

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P19 (10-31-22)

Jesus, God in Flesh Fulfilled the Law of God ~ Only God Could and Did Fulfill The Law!

~ “When Jesus was here, on this earth, He did not come to abolish the law while he was here on this earth. Because how could you abolish something until you’ve brought something new in? He did not abolish the law until it was fulfilled. He didn’t discount the Old Covenant until he was able to usher in a new covenant. And that took place at his death, not in his life. And so when Jesus was here on earth, His purpose was to fulfill the law to complete the law, he lived up to the perfect requirements of the law. He walked in sinless perfection as the sinless one, He who knew no sin, God Himself alone could do that no man could ever do that. No man that he created could do that, obviously, in Adam, and no man that was ever born out of the loins of Adam could ever accomplish that. Only God could fulfill the law. Now until that law that was given by God … Listen to Broadcast & Read More