Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/26/2024

God Transforms You Into a Child of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P955 (07-26-24)

Be Sure of Your Salvation: Become a New Creature in Christ Jesus Today

~ No matter what sin you have done in your life, or do in your life, Jesus took that sin away at the cross and is NOT counting those sins against people today. “that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:19 When a person accepts that for themselves, then the Holy Spirit comes to bring eternal life to that person. He is made a new creation in Christ Jesus, one that has the Spirit of God Himself living in them. The old person (the one without the Holy Spirit of God) is no longer there, and NOW they are a new person, a CHILD of GOD (one WITH the Holy Spirit of God living in them) is what they are for ever and ever. They will always be a child of God no matter what, for the Holy Spirit seals them with His Spirit. And God cannot deny Himself.

Salvation is Life, not getting ones sin’s forgiven. … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/25/2024

The Peace of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P954 (07-25-24)

Fear Not. For The Jesus That is in Your Today, is in Your Tomorrow

~ When we are in Christ, and He is in us, we can rest in the fact that the Jesus of my today will be with me in my tomorrow. Nothing can separate us from the Love of God. When we make decisions today, we need to understand that we can only make a decision for this very moment in time. The decisions we make today should be made based on Truth, not based on fear on what may or may not happen. However, we know that we will face tribulation in life no matter what. So in everything we do, we ought to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in All truth and let the chips fall where they may. For Jesus told us that in this world we will have tribulation. But when we trust in him, there is a peace that surpasses all understanding. That is who we need to focus on, Jesus, and He will make all our paths straight. The bottom line is, “Do not let your heart be troubled and … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/24/2024

The Sin of The World is Unbelief in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P953 (07-24-24)

Satan and His Agents Make a Mockery of the Cross

~ We finished up the book of Hebrews just this week, and this summation point in today’s callin show by Bob George is key to what is going on in the Christian world today. This ongoing forgiveness LIE is one of the biggest lies Satan and his agents have spread, by making a mockery of the cross, inverting the True meaning of the word of God, and keeping everyone who subscribes to it, dead, lost, for they never have repented of their unbelief in the first place. Yet people are so brainwashed by the lies, and their pride in their own flesh of believing that they themselves are righteous in the sight of God based on what they do and don’t do. And getting a person to see this is very difficult, because they would rather trust in what Man says, over the Truth of the word of God. The people that teach that a person can lose their salvation, doesn’t have a clue what salvation is. Yet they will use these verses from Hebrews 6 and 10 as to … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 07/23/2024

Jesus Brought in The New Covenant

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P135 (07-23-24)

We Are Under a New Covenant Forever and Ever

~ The covenant of Life Eternal is for everyone who places faith in Jesus. Eternal life happens the very moment a person places faith in Jesus, and the Holy Spirit comes to live in them to give them Eternal Life forever and ever. Eternal life is not some future event after a person physically dies. For we are housed in a body of flesh that is headed to the grave no matter what, and when this body of flesh and blood perishes, we get our new body of flesh and bone that never perishes. The new covenant is for everyone. It is freely offered to everyone, yet not everyone receives the offer, and are still in the mode of self sufficiency in all aspects of their lives. Many will even preach that a person can lose eternal life if they do some sin, or some amount sinning, of which they will never tell you how much sinning, or specifically what sin that is the straw that breaks the camel’s back. For they believe they are righteous in the sight of God based … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/22/2024

Jesus Loves You For Life

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P134 (07-22-24)

Nothing Can Separate us From The Love of God For Those in Christ Jesus

~ Jesus loves you forever and ever. Nothing can kick the Holy Spirit out of you once you are in Christ Jesus and He lives in you. When you know God’s love for you, it changes your whole world forever. Do you really know the Truth of the word of God? Many many “Christians” give lip service to the word of God. Yet they have never fully believed in the word of God. Heck, there are people teaching that you can lose your salvation, because they don’t have a clue what salvation is. They think salvation is some sort of future occurrence, and people believe if a person somehow does good things in life that will result in salvation in the future with God. They think that a person can kick God out of them if they do some sort of sin, to the point that God will be done with them and throw them out of the Lamb’s book of Life. Yet when you question these types of people proclaiming this lie of Satan, they cannot … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/19/2024

Propitiation - Jesus Took Away the Sins of the World

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P952 (07-19-24)

Behold the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world.

~ Many many people do not really believe their sins were taken away at the cross. They actually give lip service to the word of God. They think there is more forgiveness required by God. Why is that? Because every single seminary today teaches that lie of Satan. A pastor is trained in the lies of Satan when they enter seminary, and if they don’t toe the line, they don’t graduate from seminary either. This lie is then passed on down to the sheep sitting in the pews, that don’t know the word of God either. They simply assume that the pastor knows more than they do, and this would be a wrong assumption. The pastor may know more lies, but they most certainly are not taught the TRUTH of the word of God. And it is not just in the area of forgiveness, though that is the starting point of most of the lies today. Satan is whispering in your ear or their ear, “Did God really die for the sins of the whole world?” And then … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message