Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P951 (07-18-24)
The Sin of the World is Unbelief in Jesus
~ There is only one sin that a person can surely repent of, and that is the sin of unbelief in Jesus. They need to change their mind about Jesus and what He did at the cross for them. He took away all their sins at the cross, never to be seen by God again. He is not counting anyone’s sins against them today. The issue is life and death. Remain dead, without the Holy Spirit of God living in a person when they reject Jesus. Receive His life in them when they accept what Jesus, God in the flesh has done for them. The sin of unbelief is sometimes very subtle too. A person wrongly thinks they are saved when they asked for forgiveness by God, yet we are told in the scriptures, that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness by God. And we know that Jesus is never going to die on the cross again for their sins. So they still walk around in unbelief, by not believing Jesus did what He said, “It is Finished.” So … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message