Radio Broadcast Monday 05/03/2021

Jesus Wants to Put The Spirit of God in You

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P37 (05-03-21)


Let us learn what it means to build on a new foundation. That also means we need to destroy the old foundation, whatever it is made of, denominational sand, New Age thinking, worldly thinking, whatever it might be, and replace that foundation with the bedrock of Jesus Christ. As an analogy, you can liken that to erasing a chalkboard of false mathematical equations with the correct mathematical equations, otherwise you are easily confused when you have old information mixed with new information, and are tempted to use the old information you are so comfortable with. Your mind is hindered from being renewed when you are fed error and poisonous doctrine mixed in with the truth. So be sanctified, be set apart from the thinking of the world.

We have a solid foundation to be built upon Christ Jesus, who spoke to the apostles, brought everything He said to them back to their remembrance, so they could write down the thoughts of Christ. So that is how we have the bible we hold in our hands today. Jesus Christ is the source of all grace and truth … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/01/2020

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/01/2020

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P532 (05-01-20)


Listen to Bob answer some common questions people ask still today. Why do I get angry? Is anger a sin? How do I deal with anger? Then you have questions about the Mormons who come knocking on your door. What do they believe? Should I listen to them? Should I let them in? What about Islam and Judaism? Do they worship the same God as Christians?

First of all, anger is a secondary response to fear. It is normal to the human experience, and yes it is sin. So is impatience and not being kind, and anything that is not love, as defined in 1 Corinthians 13. So what Jesus is really getting us to realize and to look at is the attitudes of our heart. He wants us to come to him by faith and to continue walking by faith. Know that there is no condemnation for you, who are in Christ Jesus. Learn to abide in Him, to walk in the Spirit, as Jesus explained to us in the parable of the vine and the branches (John 15). We will still fail at times, for that is so … Listen to Broadcast & Read More