Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/17/2019

Life to the Dead

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P23 (12-17-19)


Let the Holy Spirit reveal truth to you as you read the 5th chapter of Romans. Paul answers a common question: What is the purpose of the law? Have you come to understand that the law was never designed for you to be made righteous before God? It is only through the law that you are conscious of sin. The law is to reveal sin in you so that you might seek a savior. There is only one savior, Jesus Christ. He is the only one who has no sin of his own, being God in the flesh, and the only one who has a life to lay down only to raise it up again.

But who has understood what Jesus came to do? Many know that Jesus died, was buried and rose again. But just knowing that is like knowing Jesus as a man in history. Even Satan knows that Jesus died, but that certainly made no difference in the heart of Satan. What is the condition of your heart today? To those who are lost, I make this appeal. Have you recognized that you are a sinner? Have … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 12/02/2019

Salvation is Not by Works

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P16 (12-02-19)


From the book of Romans, in the rest of Romans chapter 4, Paul is contrasting law and grace. The law condemns a person as a sinner, but grace sets a person free. Grace is Jesus. He is the only one who could take away the cause of death, which is sin. Having no sin of his own, being God in the flesh, he laid down his life to pay the price of death for sin.

That is what the apostle Paul described as reconciliation. Reconciliation is an accounting term, where a person writes off a debt that is owed. It would be like a man who owed a tremendous amount of money and then went bankrupt. The merchant pays the debt and writes it off the books. That is what Jesus did.

Now to be clear, the cross is how God reconciled the world to himself. That is preparatory for salvation but it is not salvation. If salvation was getting your sins forgiven, then that would be universal salvation. But that is not salvation. Salvation is the receiving of new life.

Jesus did not stay dead, God raised him from the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/19/2019

Faith in Jesus Only

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P14 (11-19-19)


The purpose of the law is explained. The law was put in charge to lead us to Christ so that we could be justified by faith and not through obedience to the law. The law could never make anyone righteous. It was never designed for that. The law was added so that man might recognize he is a sinner, and come to the end of himself, saying: “I cannot do this. I keep falling short. What a wretched man I am! Who can save me from this body of death?” The law is to show you that you are dead and in need of life.

Now, if you do not have a clue as to the ministry of the Holy Spirit, you will have to hold onto something in your life. You are going to hang onto the law or be like the total heathen world as it is becoming in this country, where you believe you do not need the law. The heathen says: “I do not need Jesus. I do not need anything. I just let my conscience be my guide and then I do not pay any attention … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/18/2019

Righteousness is Only From God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P13 (11-18-19)


Bob continues sharing from the book of Romans. Follow along in the 3rd chapter of Romans. Paul explains this righteousness that is by faith after first explaining man’s condition of spiritual death. Both the Jew and the Gentile are reduced to the same level, spiritually dead and in need of life. The Jew under the law has been buried by the law, condemned by the law. The Gentile, not having the law, is condemned by his own conscience, which testifies against him. In both cases, whether under the law or apart from the law, they are both sinners, dead in their trespasses and sins. Indeed, no one, not a man born today, will be declared righteous by observing the law for it is through the law you are conscious of sin.

Paul explains righteousness, contrasting what man thinks is righteousness with God’s righteousness. Am I a righteous person because of what I am doing? Think about that? If you are righteous because of what you are doing, then how much do you have to do that thing to become righteous and how little do you have to do before you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/12/2019

God Judges On Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P11 (11-12-19)


Follow along in Romans 2, and let the Lord teach you through his word. Let Him teach you about your condition of spiritual death. Let him teach you about misplaced dependency. Become born again and learn to depend on Christ. That is where obedience comes from. We love because he first loved us. Consider the fact that God created all there is, and he created you. He knows how you were designed to function. So let us ask Him how we are to live. To live is Christ and to die is gain. Let us learn what that means.

The best illustration of how God designed us to live is what Jesus taught us in John 15, about the vine and the branches. Jesus also demonstrated love, walked in love. He showed us, as a man born into this world, how man is to function. Jesus only did what he saw his Father doing. He did exactly what His Father told him to do and what His Father told him to say and how to say. He became obedient to death, death on a cross, for you and me. That was … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/11/2019

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P10 (11-11-19)


We are now starting Romans 2. Bob recaps what he talked about last week, that he is not ashamed of the gospel, and neither should we, who are in Christ Jesus. Paul proclaims this gospel in Christ Jesus to the Roman empire with all its pomp and prestige, with its great army and as the leader of the known world. He addressed the sin of homosexuality, and pointed out that unlike other sin, people are taunting it. The root attitude of all sin is the attitude of “I do not need God” and “I will do it my way”. When a society of people decide for themselves right from wrong, with a government that forms such attitudes, they silence and eventually persecute the church, the people of God.

Now, Paul addresses first the Gentile, the most heathen nation on the face of the earth. Then he addresses the Jews. Both the Jew and the Gentile are both born in sin, dead spiritually. The Gentiles, who never had the law, are by nature doing things deserving of death. The Jews, who had the law, are boasting how self righteous they are, and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More