Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P23 (12-17-19)
Let the Holy Spirit reveal truth to you as you read the 5th chapter of Romans. Paul answers a common question: What is the purpose of the law? Have you come to understand that the law was never designed for you to be made righteous before God? It is only through the law that you are conscious of sin. The law is to reveal sin in you so that you might seek a savior. There is only one savior, Jesus Christ. He is the only one who has no sin of his own, being God in the flesh, and the only one who has a life to lay down only to raise it up again.
But who has understood what Jesus came to do? Many know that Jesus died, was buried and rose again. But just knowing that is like knowing Jesus as a man in history. Even Satan knows that Jesus died, but that certainly made no difference in the heart of Satan. What is the condition of your heart today? To those who are lost, I make this appeal. Have you recognized that you are a sinner? Have … Listen to Broadcast & Read More