Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 46 (07-16-19)
We are learning about this man named Jesus. People call in on a radio, talking about different names of God, some saying, “Praise Yeshua”. There are all kinds of names of God. Some call him Elohim. The Jehovah Witnesses call him Jehovah and the Muslims call him Allah, but if you look at their description and compare what they say to what is written and revealed by the Spirit, they are pointing to a different Jesus or someone who does not fit the description of the same God recorded in the bible. There are different names that can point to the person, Jesus, and will fit the description as revealed to us by the Spirit. The name of Yeshua points to Jesus. I do not care who you call him. It means who the name belongs to. People get all caught up in what the name is in Hebrew. We get all caught up in incidentals. But if the name you use points to someone other than who the real Jesus is, God in the flesh, who died, was buried and rose again, and instead points to someone who is … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Tuesday 07/16/2019”