Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/02/2022

Jesus Promised the Holy Spirit

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P29 (02-02-22)

Jesus Sends The Holy Spirit To Us and To Be In Us

Bob begins today by going over some things that we have learned in A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection.

Jesus said He was going away. And the Apostles would have been like, “what do you mean you are going away?!” And Jesus is saying no you don’t understand, “It is good that I am going away” because I am going to send you the Holy Spirit. It’s important that we understand how God gives us life through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit into our spirit.

John 16:7
7 But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.

We see the whole picture of salvation in front of us. For if we were back 2000 years ago, we would have seen the body of Jesus, God in flesh, but that body was singular in form. 

John 14:17
17 the Spirit of truth.

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Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/01/2022

Jesus is The Grace of God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P28 (02-01-22)

We Are Identified by Being Under The New Covenant

It is so important to understand our identity in Christ Jesus and the New Covenant we are now identified as being under. And not understanding the difference between the old and new covenants leads to all types of errors in our thinking and susceptible to the lies of the devil, being pushed by pastors and teachers that don’t have a clue themselves of what being under the New Covenant is all about. It’s also important to note that just because someone is teaching in the pulpit, does not mean that that person is even saved. Lies and errors can be spread knowingly or unknowingly. We need the Spirit of God living in us to identify error, correct it, and have our minds renewed. Let’s continue as Bob teaches from lesson #8 of A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection.

What shall we say then? Shall we increase in sin? God forbid. Do you not know we have been baptized into Christ Jesus and His death. We identify with Him in His death. For a … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/01/2022”

Radio Broadcast Monday 01/31/2022

Church is Not a Building

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P27 (01-31-22)

Understanding Your Identity – And Church is Not a Man-made Building

There are only two identities from God’s vantage point. One is either in Christ Jesus, saved. Or, in Adam, Lost. Satan has done a job on the lost world by keeping everyone thinking their identities are in other things. We went over that in detail from the past three broadcasts. We encourage you to listen to those other broadcasts. Repetition helps cement things into memory.

So, there are only two types of people. Those that are lost, are in Adam. And, those that are saved are in Christ. And all those that are called in Christ are what is called the invisible church, the ekklesia. And incidentally, the invisible church is different from the visible church today. The visible church is made up lost and saved people. And have pastors that are lost and saved. But God’s true invisible church is born again believers in Christ Jesus. And this is not born again because of any institution here on earth, because that is man-made. But through the identity of the resurrected Christ Jesus.

We talked … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Monday 01/31/2022”

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/20/2022

Emotions - Can You Trust Them

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P701 (01-20-22)

Emotions Respond to Whatever We Are Thinking

Justin called from Vancouver, British Columbia. He wanted some practical biblical advice from scripture for someone that is facing emotional pain.

Bob tells him that our emotions follow what we are thinking. We don’t have emotional problems, we have thinking problems. It’s like when you go to the movie and see a scary movie, that scares the living daylights out of you.

The same thing occurs to the person that is dwelling on sins from the past or the things from our past that were not good. Then, if that isn’t enough for us to worry about, we start thinking about all the bad things that may happen in the future. You start thinking about all the hardships you are going to face or thinking you may have to go selling pencils on a street-corner someplace for a job.

Jesus told us to live one day at a time, and the Apostle Paul wrote, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

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Romans 12:2
2 Do not

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Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/19/2022

End of the Law

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P23 (01-19-22)

The Holy Spirit Gives Us Eternal Life

Today we are going to review a number of things that Bob has been teaching. Listen in as he reviews key points. It is good to go over these things and cement them in our memory banks. Listen as Bob teaches through A Closer Look at The Reality of the Resurrection. Pick up all our Closer Look Bible studies from our online store at

Righteousness is a gift from God. Jesus gives us His life and His righteousness when we place faith in Him. Jesus says we must be perfect. And the religious people are out there trying to make themselves perfect which is an impossibility. On the other hand, the person that comes to the end of themselves, and realizes they can not be perfect in the sight of God based on what they do or don’t do, then God says, “you’re right.”  The person thinking they can keep the law is filled with pride of self while the other one is humbled by realizing they could not do it. So Jesus has done it … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/19/2022”

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/04/2022

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P16 (01-04-22)

Perfect Love Drives Out All Fear

Do you really love God? People are living in fear today, and those that are living in fear are not really loving God. People think they love God, yet they don’t know the Love of God. They don’t know that God loves them. They are still trying to perform for God so in turn God would do something for them.

When we understand God’s love for us, it changes our world completely. We may understand God’s love for us when we first come to Him for salvation (eternal life), but then we lose sight of it for our daily living. We get on our own performance track, thinking that we’ve got to do something in order for God to do something ongoing with us. We need to learn that is NOT how God deals with us at all. God is love, and His Love lives in us. This is key to our understanding and walking in the love of God.

1 John 4:16-21
16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love.

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