Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P15 (11-20-19)
Have you ever tried to share the gospel with those who have been taught from their traditions hundreds of years? How hard it is to tell someone that everything they have been taught is wrong! So many people today are still approaching righteousness with God based on what they do. This is the same thing Paul faced sharing truth with the Jewish people. They claimed they believed in Moses and have Abraham as their father. The Jews took offense at the fact that the Gentiles, the heathen, idol worshiping Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have received righteousness, and yet they, who work at obeying the law, have not received righteousness from God. Why not? They pursued a righteousness as if by works of the law and not by faith.
So Paul appeals to the Jews, those of his own race and upbringing, to consider what Abraham believed? Abraham believed God and his faith was credited to him as righteousness, and that before the law was given, before he was even circumcised. In those days, circumcision is not unlike baptism of today. It was a sign of someone’s faith. The sign … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message