Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/20/2019

Faith Says Thank You to God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P15 (11-20-19)


Have you ever tried to share the gospel with those who have been taught from their traditions hundreds of years? How hard it is to tell someone that everything they have been taught is wrong! So many people today are still approaching righteousness with God based on what they do. This is the same thing Paul faced sharing truth with the Jewish people. They claimed they believed in Moses and have Abraham as their father. The Jews took offense at the fact that the Gentiles, the heathen, idol worshiping Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have received righteousness, and yet they, who work at obeying the law, have not received righteousness from God. Why not? They pursued a righteousness as if by works of the law and not by faith.

So Paul appeals to the Jews, those of his own race and upbringing, to consider what Abraham believed? Abraham believed God and his faith was credited to him as righteousness, and that before the law was given, before he was even circumcised. In those days, circumcision is not unlike baptism of today. It was a sign of someone’s faith. The sign … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/19/2019

Faith in Jesus Only

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P14 (11-19-19)


The purpose of the law is explained. The law was put in charge to lead us to Christ so that we could be justified by faith and not through obedience to the law. The law could never make anyone righteous. It was never designed for that. The law was added so that man might recognize he is a sinner, and come to the end of himself, saying: “I cannot do this. I keep falling short. What a wretched man I am! Who can save me from this body of death?” The law is to show you that you are dead and in need of life.

Now, if you do not have a clue as to the ministry of the Holy Spirit, you will have to hold onto something in your life. You are going to hang onto the law or be like the total heathen world as it is becoming in this country, where you believe you do not need the law. The heathen says: “I do not need Jesus. I do not need anything. I just let my conscience be my guide and then I do not pay any attention … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/18/2019

Righteousness is Only From God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P13 (11-18-19)


Bob continues sharing from the book of Romans. Follow along in the 3rd chapter of Romans. Paul explains this righteousness that is by faith after first explaining man’s condition of spiritual death. Both the Jew and the Gentile are reduced to the same level, spiritually dead and in need of life. The Jew under the law has been buried by the law, condemned by the law. The Gentile, not having the law, is condemned by his own conscience, which testifies against him. In both cases, whether under the law or apart from the law, they are both sinners, dead in their trespasses and sins. Indeed, no one, not a man born today, will be declared righteous by observing the law for it is through the law you are conscious of sin.

Paul explains righteousness, contrasting what man thinks is righteousness with God’s righteousness. Am I a righteous person because of what I am doing? Think about that? If you are righteous because of what you are doing, then how much do you have to do that thing to become righteous and how little do you have to do before you … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 11/15/2019

Understanding The New Covenant

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P492 (11-15-19)


Callers asked questions in regards to tithing, baptism, honoring your parents and not exasperating your children, and receiving instruction and training in the Lord. To those new in Christ, baptism can be a foreign concept, not understood. Sadly, so many have taught tithing for today, which should not be. Then there are those practical matters that are sometimes confusing to you as to how to live in this new way of life that you received.

To those who have been under almost any pastor in Christendom today, you have been told that you are to give the first ten percent to God, and that if you do not, then you are told that you robbing God. But is that what the word of God instructs us to do, who are not under law but under grace? No!

So many pastors today have pounded on tithing for today, which is clearly wrong, when one understands the teaching of Paul in 2 Corinthians on New Testament giving. So many call out of guilt or confusion. When someone finds themselves unable to tithe because of a financial difficulty they are now in, then … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/14/2019

Jesus Fulfilled The Law In Perfect Love

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P491 (11-14-19)


Several people called to ask common questions. Many things are not properly understood because people are not reading the word for themselves, not letting the Holy Spirit teach them, or would rather believe what some denominational persuasion has them convinced is true. Such is the case of many of the callers who call.

These callers called because they wanted to know truth and Bob graciously answered their questions from what the Holy Spirit has revealed to him. Is tithing for today? What about Malachi? Am I robbing God? What is the way of giving under the New Covenant? Is God punishing me because I married out of wedlock, and now I am pregnant and had a miscarriage? Should I always turn the other cheek? Should I keep giving to someone who continuously steals from me? What is the line drawn on forgiving somebody? What really is forgiving someone? Am I enabling someone when I keep giving and giving to a person who never changes his stupid or sinful behavior? What happened in the garden of Eden? What happened to all mankind? Can man get that life back again?

These and … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/13/2019

God Does Not Grade On The Curve

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P12 (11-13-19)


We are now in the 3rd chapter of Romans. Paul had finished focusing on the Gentiles and has now focused his attention to the Jews. Both the Jew and the Gentile are both alike under sin. The apostle Paul explains why the law cannot make anyone righteous. Even though we today have never been given the law, we stole the law from the Jews and put ourselves under the demands of the law, by which no man can be saved. The purpose of the law was never to make anyone righteous. It is through the law we are conscious of sin. Paul is laying down the foundation for both the Jew and the Gentile to see their need of salvation, that they are a sinner already, dead spiritually at birth, and in need of new life.

Jesus also explained this when he walked the earth. He fulfilled the law for us not by what he did not do but by walking in love. Love is the fulfillment of the law. Jesus also spoke to the Jews, the Jewish leaders in his day on earth. They had turned the law as … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message