Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P11 (11-12-19)
Follow along in Romans 2, and let the Lord teach you through his word. Let Him teach you about your condition of spiritual death. Let him teach you about misplaced dependency. Become born again and learn to depend on Christ. That is where obedience comes from. We love because he first loved us. Consider the fact that God created all there is, and he created you. He knows how you were designed to function. So let us ask Him how we are to live. To live is Christ and to die is gain. Let us learn what that means.
The best illustration of how God designed us to live is what Jesus taught us in John 15, about the vine and the branches. Jesus also demonstrated love, walked in love. He showed us, as a man born into this world, how man is to function. Jesus only did what he saw his Father doing. He did exactly what His Father told him to do and what His Father told him to say and how to say. He became obedient to death, death on a cross, for you and me. That was … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message