Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/28/2019

Be Thankful in Everything

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 4 (11-28-19)


Turn to Romans and read along as Bob explains its meaning. The book of Romans is a book of contrast between law and grace. The purpose of the law is for man to recognize his sinfulness, his condition of spiritual death, that he might seek a Savior in Jesus Christ. There is so much that the apostle Paul explains concerning the law; its purpose, it’s inability to make one righteous before God, it’s ministry of death to make man realize his sinful state. The law is like a mirror. A mirror can show dirt on the face but it has no power to remove the dirt. So too is the law to show man he is a sinner but there is no power in the law to make anyone righteous before God.

The law demands perfect obedience, which no man in his weakened sinful state could ever completely obey. As James said, if a man obeyed all of the law but failed at just one point, then he is guilty of breaking all of the law. A law without a penalty is no law at all. The law would have no meaning. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/27/2019

Thank You Jesus For Forgiveness

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 3 (11-27-19)


It is so easy to forget. Paul reminds us again and again to be joyful always. How can we be joyful? First of all, do you have the Spirit of the living God living in you? Yes, you say. Then you are given the privilege of participating in the divine nature, the nature to be joyful. Why? What trust did you have for Christ to do for you? What was the biggest thing God did for you? He died for your sins, and indeed the sins of the entire world. Before you were even born, he demonstrated his love for mankind. He also had you in mind, in that while you were yet his enemy, a sinner, he died for you. He died so that the punishment of death required for sin was paid in full. He would bear the full consequence of that sin, and the sins of the entire world, upon himself, a price too great for you to pay. He did this so that when you came to see your condition of death you would look to him for new life. He was raised to new life so that … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/19/2019

Be Transformed Renew Your Mind

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P474 (9-19-19)


Rainey from Albany, NY

Rainey: I am reading Classic Christianity, and calling the number at the end of the book. I am dealing with depression. I have had a very difficult childhood, with divorce. I thought I got over most of the stuff. I was always religious, a Catholic growing up, and thought I would become a nun. I think anti-depressants help. I get messages that I do not have enough faith.

Bob: Let me see if I can help you. If you have depression, I can help you with that. Psychiatric patients are like that because they are obsessed with the past or the future. The first thing you have to understand is that God created you that our feelings will predictably respond to what you are thinking. As an example, “Have you ever felt the emotion of jealousy? What were you thinking? Jealous thoughts. That is why we are feeling thoughts of jealousy. Are we together?

Rainey: Yes. It is hard to keep a thought from entering.

Bob: Have you ever felt sad? Have you ever felt happy? What were you thinking? Happy thoughts. Have you ever felt … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 09/10/2019

Do Not Refuse Jesus For Life

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 70 (09-10-19)


We are so prone to follow for what He can give us. They followed him when he fed the five thousand. Why? The next day Jesus said to them, “The only reason you are following me is because you were fed on the other side of the lake”.

I have seen this again and again so many times in people today. In church work, working down on the streets, a guy says, “Give me a meal. What do I need to do? Get baptized. Lead me to the water”. So he gets baptized to get a meal and not to get Jesus. Thousands of times people take advantage of that to get numbers to their credit. The only reason they went to the water was to get a meal and not to get Jesus. You have to have discernment on that kind of thing to determine if they are sincere or just following you to get a meal. That is one of the dangers of just giving a meal. All you have accomplished is satisfying someone’s hunger for a couple of hours. You have not accomplished anything.

Luke 19:38-44

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Radio Broadcast Monday 09/09/2019

The Peace of God

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 69 (09-09-19)


We will pick up where we left off last week. Let us start at the 14th chapter of John, beginning at verse 25.

John 14:25-31
25 “All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

28 “You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. 29 I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe. 30 I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me, 31 but he comes so that the world may learn that

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Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/17/2019

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/17/2019

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 9 (04-17-19)

Bob George shares about the peace of God that surpasses understanding. There is no peace for the wicked. If you are enslaved in sin you do not have peace. Come to Christ to get his peace. Let His peace reign in your heart by faith. As a child of God, if you are choosing to live in sin, then you are not experiencing His peace. Put your faith in the one who died for you to take all your sins away, never to be seen again in the eyes of God. Put your faith in Christ to receive his resurrected life. When you do, you can walk in the life of the Holy Spirit living in you, who is your counselor and comforter. Therefore, keep your eyes on Him. Do not let yourself be anxious but talk to him along life’s way for you will certainly experience tribulation. As you trust Him, your life will be changed as your mind is renewed. Get to know Him by reading His word. In an attitude of thanksgiving and prayer, making your requests known to Him, He will guide your heart and your mind. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More