Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/07/2023

Confess Jesus is God in Flesh

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P891 (12-07-23)

Jesus is God in Flesh

~ Today there are people that spend their whole time trying to find contradictions in the bible. They will bring up different references from different points of view and say, “see there is a contradiction.” However, they are not looking at it from the proper perspective and no matter how much you tell a person that doesn’t have the Spirit of God living in them, they will simply want to not believe it. That is their choice not to believe in Jesus, God in the flesh, who came into the world to save sinners (of which we were all sinners to begin with). For Jesus went to a cross, to take upon the sins of the entire world from the beginning of time to the end of time. Jesus who knew no sin became sin for us so that in Him we could become the righteous of God. The bottom line today, is do you believe this? For most people actually do not believe this. And that is the reason people look for all types of things to justify their own unbelief. For they would much … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 10/06/2023

Faith That Pleases God Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P876 (10-06-23)

What is Faith That Pleases God?

~ The misunderstanding and the lie of ongoing forgiveness and the false doctrine of asking God to forgive you is a lie that Satan loves promoting through his false ministers of righteousness. For we know that 99.9% of the so-called “Christian” world practices ongoing forgiveness. And most people will not stop, nor do they want to stop, because most of the time many will say, “it makes me feel better to keep asking for forgiveness,” or “this is what I have been taught in my denomination, so I’m going to keep on doing it.” They don’t understand that they have been taught lies and are not willing to endure sound doctrine today. And most pastors are guilty of teaching this as one of Satan’s biggest lies, that Jesus didn’t really die for the sins of the whole world and that you need to keep on asking God to forgive you to stay in right standing with God.

Faith that pleases God is when you agree with God. That is your confession of faith. Confession in the Greek means to “agree with,” it does NOT mean … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/05/2023

Salvation is Eternal Life in Him

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P875 (10-05-23)

Those Who Think They Can Lose Eternal Salvation Don’t Know What Salvation Is

~ Salvation is eternal life in Christ Jesus. It is NOT getting your sins forgiven. There are so many in the world today that think they can lose eternal life when they sin, because they don’t understand what Jesus did on the cross for the sins of the whole world. We hear this time and again. People are out there thinking they get more forgiveness from God or get more righteousness from God when they use their false understanding of 1 John 1:9 as a means of keeping themselves clean before God. They keep on keeping on asking for what God has already done. They make a mockery of the cross and treat it as an unholy thing.

Satan has done a number on the world too, making people think they are saved, when they are still dead lost in their unbelief. They have NOT exercised faith in the finished work on the cross. They think they have, but by their very actions they keep on showing that they are NOT responding in faith. For faith says, “Thank … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/29/2023

Jesus Reconciled Us To God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P874 (09-29-23)

You Were Reconciled to God Through The Death of Jesus at the Cross ~ Place Faith in Him For Life!

~ God reconciled you to Himself. He is NOT counting your sins against you today. Do you believe it? Have you truly placed faith in Him to have done what He said is finished? Or are you out there trying to reconcile yourself to God? When the word of God says, “be reconciled” that means believe it, place faith in it. Yet most people will not do that. They will go out there in the energy of their flesh and try to do better, to be better, or to be more righteous with God. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about Catholics or Protestants, they are all deceived. They display their fruits for all to see. And even some grace teachers will sidestep around this and say things like, “see you’ve got to reconcile yourself to God” as though a person can do something to reconcile themselves to God. It’s a very subtle thing today, because these particular infiltrators do not believe the sins of the whole world have been … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/24/2023

Reconciliation Jesus Took Away Your Sins on the Cross

Classic Christianity – The Book of John P73 (07-24-23)

You Come to Christ Jesus Because Your Sins Are Already Forgiven at The Cross

~ One of the biggest lies and misunderstandings of the gospel that is taught today, is the lie, that you come to Christ Jesus to get your sins forgiven. Satan has convinced the world that you come to Jesus, and then he forgives you your sins when you ask for it, or faith it. Another way of saying it, is most people don’t believe that Jesus died for everyone’s sins, only those that place faith in Jesus. So called grace teachers will teach this one point of Calvinism very subtlety. They won’t say that Jesus had limited atonement but they will indirectly say there is limited propitiation of sins only for the elect. One well known teacher will even go so far as to say “that anyone that teaches that Jesus forgave everyone’s sins at the cross is a charlatan.” They will not even tell a lost person their sins are forgiven, because in their mind they don’t know if that person will ever have faith or not to believe their sins are forgiven, thus they don’t … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/12/2023

Spirit of Peace

Classic Christianity – The Book of John P69 (07-12-23)

Rejoice in the Lord Always, And Again I say Rejoice!

~ Today, when you hear the voice of Holy Spirit, He reminds us, teaches us, instructs us on the things of God, about the truth of the world and about ALL things. And once we have a proper understanding of our identity in Christ Jesus and the Finality of the cross, we can’t help but to rejoice in the Lord always! However, there are many many people today that do not rejoice in the Lord always, for they have forgotten that they have been cleansed of all of their sins, and are listening to the teaching of men and Satan rather than the teaching of God through the Holy Spirit, if indeed the Holy Spirit is living in them. Most people will NOT tell anyone that ALL their sins have been forgiven by God, because quite frankly they don’t believe it themselves. The majority of the teachers today are used as controlled opposition for Satan. They will not rock the boat and do NOT speak truth. They won’t tell a person they are lost, and dead in their unbelief, because they … Listen to Broadcast & Read More