Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P876 (10-06-23)
What is Faith That Pleases God?
~ The misunderstanding and the lie of ongoing forgiveness and the false doctrine of asking God to forgive you is a lie that Satan loves promoting through his false ministers of righteousness. For we know that 99.9% of the so-called “Christian” world practices ongoing forgiveness. And most people will not stop, nor do they want to stop, because most of the time many will say, “it makes me feel better to keep asking for forgiveness,” or “this is what I have been taught in my denomination, so I’m going to keep on doing it.” They don’t understand that they have been taught lies and are not willing to endure sound doctrine today. And most pastors are guilty of teaching this as one of Satan’s biggest lies, that Jesus didn’t really die for the sins of the whole world and that you need to keep on asking God to forgive you to stay in right standing with God.
Faith that pleases God is when you agree with God. That is your confession of faith. Confession in the Greek means to “agree with,” it does NOT mean … Listen to Broadcast & Read More