Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/13/2021

Your Sins Have Been Forgiven by God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P36 (01-13-21)


Scripture instructs us to test ourselves to see if we are in the faith. What is the attitude of our hearts? God came to reveal to us the attitude of our hearts, the condition of our soul. He did this so we might see our utter wretchedness and seek a Savior in Jesus Christ, that we might receive His righteousness, for we never had any of our own.

But what is our tendency in our humanity? Instead of looking at our sins in light of perfect righteousness, we compare ourselves with others saying, “I am not as bad as that woman over there.” As the apostle Paul says, he who compares himself with others is not wise. So we need to ask ourselves probing questions. For example, looking at the definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13, of who God is, since God is love, how well are you doing in the love department? If God, who is love, is alive living in you, then what kind of nature should be observed coming out of you? So, the types of questions to be asked are: “Is God alive … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/12/2021

Jesus Alone Forgave All Sins

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P35 (01-12-21)


Who is Jesus Christ, and by knowing that, what does that mean to me personally? That is the question of the century. Certainly he is a man of history, someone who walked on this earth, as even our calendars are divided into B.C. and A.D. There were prophecies recorded down in the scriptures that predicted what would the promised Messiah would do, as spoken by the prophets.

Then we read about the eyewitnesses of Jesus Christ, while he was on this earth, and he fulfilled every one of those prophecies. Then we had the testimony of Jesus’ interaction with Mary Magdalene, his mother Mary, his disciples and the afflicted, who recognized who he is and bowed down and worshiped him. He healed the sick, made the blind see, walked on water, calmed the storms by His word, spoke words no man has ever heard, penetrating the hearts of men, exposing their inner heart to them, yet extending mercy and grace, being full of grace and truth. Ultimately he died on a cross and rose again, just as the prophets said would happen. Many did not believe, did not … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Christmas P1 Radio Broadcast Monday 12/21/2020

We Have The Mind of Christ Jesus

Classic Christianity – Christmas P1 (12-21-20)


In this world, we can begin to see terrible events unfold. We can certainly see clearly this conflict between good and evil. The degree of that will depend, to some extent, what exposure you have to sources of information concerning current world events, for there is also so much fake news and misinformation.

Nevertheless, we tend to see these horrible things happening as something unusual, yet the Lord tells us that evildoers will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. We tend to forget what the Lord has told us, and can let ourselves be overcome with fear. But God tells us to keep our focus on Him, to continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of. Of all people, we, as children of God, should hold out hope. We should testify of the hope we have within us. We should be full of joy and peace, as we allow God, who is living in us, to bear that fruit in our lives.

But we all need encouragement. We are instructed to meet with like-minded believers, and all the more so, as we see the time of the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/16/2020

Jesus Came to Take Away Sin Not Cover it

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P30 (12-16-20)


We continue in our study of Daniel’s prophecy of the coming Messiah, where the exact time in history, April 6, 32 A.D., where Christ Jesus would ride in Jerusalem on a donkey, often known as Palm Sunday today, was predicted. As we know that event did happen, exactly as recorded in Daniel, and described by the disciples of Jesus.

Daniel also predicted a final week of time, or last seven years of time in history as we know it today, that is a period of tribulation the world has never known. If anyone lived during the tiem of Nazi Germany, and know how horrific that was, just multiply that by a hundred times over.

We read in scripture about a time in history prior to that last seven year period of tribulation. The dead in Christ and those still living on earth will meet the Lord in the air, to escape this time of trial. This is often known as the rapture. As we see events unfold before our eyes, and as Jesus said, when we see the events Jesus described as the beginning of birth pains, He … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 12/11/2020

Jesus Wants Your Faith to be in Him

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P593 (12-11-20)


We all struggle in growing in Christ, learning how to overcome worry and all kinds of sin, and how to make wise decisions in those difficult things of life. Much of our struggle is because we are leaning on our understanding, trying to work things out in the energy of our flesh, or are focusing, not on Christ, but our circumstances and surroundings, and letting the voice of the world crowd out truth. Our mind has drifted from focusing on Christ to the thinking and pattern of the world.

It also takes time to grow. When you first come to Christ, it seems hard to navigate through the word of God and through the things you hear. You may not have the discernment yet to know what is right and what is wrong or what is the better choice. At times, you just do not know the truth, or lack the wisdom from God to know how to proceed. Yes, it is good to hear from mature believers in the Lord, to help you out. But ultimately, any human being can misguide you, because they may not know the truth … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/02/2020

Sins of The World He Died for You

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P24 (12-02-20)


So Jesus fulfilled everything that was written about Him through the prophets, in the Psalms by King David around 1000 B.C., through Micah, around 500 B.C. and through Isaiah, around 700 B.C., and through other prophets as well. Did they understand what they were writing? No. But the Holy Spirit spoke through them, and they wrote down what they heard. They had some revelation but certainly did not understand everything that they wrote down.

All of us were born without the Spirit of God living in us, including the prophets. Truth had to be revealed to men by the Spirit of God, even to the prophets, not what the word of God says, but what the word of God means. Now, certainly the prophets had certain revelation revealed to them in their time in history. Even Abraham believed God and that was credited to him as righteousness. We read about the faith of many of these Old Testament people in the book of Hebrews, and that faith they had led to certain action and behavior. They trusted God, that God was able to fulfill what He had promised.… Listen to Broadcast & Read More