Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/11/2021

Repentance is a Change of Mind

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P615 (03-11-21)


Sometimes we get bogged down in our daily lives, being bombarded with legalism or teaching that just weighs us down. The day to day mundane things we do just seems to weigh us down at times. But to know that the time we ourselves get alone with the Lord, letting Him teach us the meaning of the word of God, and see the work God is doing in us. Then, as we simply share truth that has been revealed to us, that truth not only changes our own lives, but it overflows into the lives of others. That makes living so worthwhile.

Listen as Bob George shares with a young seminary student getting bogged down in his studies in theology that seems to distract him from being taught by the Holy Spirit. At times even, incorrect teaching is being told him, and he also feels this push towards legalism. Bob shares truth with him to help him to keep focused on being taught of the Holy Spirit. He reminds him of some basic foundational truths, on what salvation is, and clarification on the meaning of 1 John 1:9, and refers … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/22/2021

The Law of Love and Freedom

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P601 (01-22-21)


There is so much error that needs to be replaced with truth. You are inundated with teaching from denominational persuasions of men, that if you are not in God’s word, relying on the Spirit to reveal truth to you, you have this tendency to hold onto things you think are true. You have heard something so often and so repetitively from people who have this reputation of being a leader or having some seminary degree that you believe what they say. They could be teaching truth, but they could also be teaching error. How do you know? So we are to be those who diligently study the scriptures to see if what someone says is true.

Many people think the ten commandments are a guide for a believer. But if you look into scripture, you come to realize that the law was made for the unbeliever, that they come to the end of the law for righteousness, that they might seek a Savior. The law will never go away because the law is a tool for the lost. Without a penalty, the law is meaningless. And the penalty for sin … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 9/28/2020

Jesus Gave Us New Commands of Belief and Love

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P70 (09-28-20)


The flesh wants its own way. The flesh wants its own parking space. Flesh wants justice all the time, especially if it relates to us. So, we are not like God. God is perfect love. It is when we come to know the love of God, and are recipients of His love, that we see a new way to live as God intended us to live. When we come to know God, we are set apart to serve one another in love, in the same way we received unconditional love and acceptance from Him.

We must come to understand the command that Jesus has for us, to love one another. The first thing we must come to grips with is that I cannot do that but I am indwelt with the one who can. We have that privilege in participating in the divine nature that lives in us and to participate in that love. We do not have to go get it. It is there. It is just if I am going to yield to the flesh that wants to be served or yield to the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More