Classic Christianity – The Book of John P79 (08-07-23)
Jesus Told Us We Can Now Go Directly to The Father For Truth and Prayer Requests
~ When Jesus walked on the earth with the disciples, he spoke with and answered the questions of the disciples and communicated what the Father had told him to say. Before Jesus left earth, he told the disciples (and us through the Scriptures), that we can now go directly to the Father to get our prayers and questions answered. And that includes everything about anything. We don’t have an intermediary between God and Man anymore. For God resides in His temple, through the Holy Spirit indwelling Man, which was the way God intended Man to be. A person must be born again of God’s Spirit to be indwelt by God, but He said, that in that day (today) that we can go directly to the Father through the Holy Spirit that lives in us to get all our answers met.
Jesus also warned us that in these days we would face many trials and tribulations. And who hasn’t? But be certain of this, that Jesus has already overcome the world, and while in this world … Listen to Broadcast & Read More