Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/12/2020

Jesus is Love

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P42 (02-12-20)


As children of God, we have the privilege to participate in the divine nature. Before, we did not have such a privilege, because you cannot participate in what you do not yet have, the Spirit of God living in you. But, everyone is born with free will. Adam and Eve were born with the choice to love God or to choose for themselves what is right and wrong, and good and evil. When they chose wrong, sin and death entered this world, the Spirit of God left mankind, for all have sinned, and all have died.

So since the fall of Adam, we were all born spiritually dead, without the Spirit of God living in us. Then Jesus took away the cause of death, which is sin, by becoming sin for us, when he shed his blood on a cross. Now, man has a choice to accept the life of Christ. For when Jesus rose from the dead, he now offers eternal life, the same life that raised him from the dead, to all who will come to him to receive that life. Again, man has a choice to reject this … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 10/14/2019

Jesus is Life - God in the Flesh

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 84 (10-14-19)


Let us turn to the 20th chapter of the gospel of John. We are coming to the end of Jesus life. We talked about in the past messages how important it is when you are about to depart this earth. One way or another, you give out the most important message you can. That is exactly what Jesus did.

Many times we doubt. We look, for example, at doubting Thomas, and say “What is wrong with him?” Yet, how many times in our own lives do we really doubt the Lord in regards to the information He gives to us. We can say that Thomas, for example, doubted Jesus was raised from the dead, which was a historical fact that was certainly true. As for the one who was raised from the dead, He passed on a great deal of information to us. How many of us, like doubting Thomas, do not grab a hold of what Jesus said is truth and hang onto that truth? Would we rather believe the teachings of this world, to grab a hold of all of the different philosophies of the world, and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 10/11/2019

Victory Over Depression Bob George Ministries

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P481 (10-11-19)


Bob George answers calls from several people, those struggling with depression and those who heard confusing teaching. The common questions people ask about are in regard to overcoming depression and in regards to salvation. Frequent questions often asked in regards to salvation are, “If a person commits suicide will they go to hell?” and “Can a person lose salvation?” Many times people are under erroneous teaching that gets them all confused. So they ask a specific question on a verse that someone teaches on that seems to indicate you can lose salvation and wants clarification on what that verse really means. For example, what does it mean by, “he that endured to the end, the same shall be saved”?

Bob George provides encouragement for those struggling in depression and provides practical advice with truth from God’s word. The key to overcoming depression is focusing on what you know is true, that God loves you, that nothing will separate you from the love of God, and He will never leaver you nor forsake you, and to be thankful on all that you do have. You focus on what is reality, on … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/01/2019

He First Loved Us

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 79 (10-01-19)

Let us join Bob now as he gets started with today’s lesson. Jesus came to earth to serve in love.

Jesus, God in the flesh, came to earth, taking on an earth suit, to serve us in love. Jesus took away your sins on the cross. God offers eternal life!


In chapter 13 we pick up in the last hours, in the preparation of the Passover supper where Jesus showed us the meaning of servitude and having the heart of a servant. He came to put in earth suit to serve us in love. He told us to do likewise, to serve one another in love.

He gave the example in washing of his disciples feet, the lowest form of servanthood in those days. He showed his love for his disciples by washing their feet. He told us that a servant is not greater than his master.

In those passages you read about Jesus prediction in regards to his disciples. He predicts the betrayal of Judas and the denial by Peter. You had Judas who betrayed him. You had Peter who denied him. You had Thomas who doubted him. You … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 09/25/2019

Not Counting Your Sins Against You

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 77 (09-25-19)


In the gospel of John, near the end of Jesus life on earth, Jesus is providing comfort and instruction to his disciples. He tells them he is going away. Because he tells them that they are filled with grief. But he is explaining that he will send them the Holy Spirit, who will live in them and be in them forever. They are not able to understand these things, and Jesus told them that. The reason that they could not understand is because it is not until Pentecost when they receive the Holy Spirit.

That is true of all us until we are born again. It is like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. You know what a piece of the puzzle looks like real well, maybe 4 or 5 pieces together. But until you put the whole puzzle together, you are missing something. The Holy spirit will lead you and guide you into all truth. God wants us to be born again, and start with the milk of the word. All of us have to start out that way. But then grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 09/24/2019

Listen to The Spirit of Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 76 (09-24-19)


Bob George continues sharing from the 16th chapter of John. Jesus came to speak truth into the hearts of men. Sadly, even today, not everyone receives truth. The Jews today deny Jesus is the Messiah. They rejected him as the promised Messiah, whom the prophets told was to come into this world to take away sins. Most Jews today do not even know the bible. They hardly know anything except the Passover and things you celebrate, but nothing about Moses, yet they all agree that Jesus is not God. You have the Muslims who would rather believe Mohammad over the words of Jesus, and even think they are doing a service to God by killing Jews and Christians. You have the atheist, who is a fool, saying there is no God. You have the mystics who say that truth does not really matter. “Just love one another”, they say, yet fail to realize that it is impossible to love perfectly as God demonstrated His love to us. Then you have the Catholics, who would rather trust their traditions and what the pope has to say, who deny the finality … Listen to Broadcast & Read More