Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 10/11/2019

Victory Over Depression Bob George Ministries

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P481 (10-11-19)


Bob George answers calls from several people, those struggling with depression and those who heard confusing teaching. The common questions people ask about are in regard to overcoming depression and in regards to salvation. Frequent questions often asked in regards to salvation are, “If a person commits suicide will they go to hell?” and “Can a person lose salvation?” Many times people are under erroneous teaching that gets them all confused. So they ask a specific question on a verse that someone teaches on that seems to indicate you can lose salvation and wants clarification on what that verse really means. For example, what does it mean by, “he that endured to the end, the same shall be saved”?

Bob George provides encouragement for those struggling in depression and provides practical advice with truth from God’s word. The key to overcoming depression is focusing on what you know is true, that God loves you, that nothing will separate you from the love of God, and He will never leaver you nor forsake you, and to be thankful on all that you do have. You focus on what is reality, on … Listen to Broadcast & Read More