Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P103 (05-08-24)
God Wants to Teach us Truth, All Truth
God’s name is Truth, and he wants us to know Truth. Why? Because when we know Truth, then we can easily spot the lies of Satan. And folks, Truth is much much deeper than people imagine. And the opposite of that is the Lies are also much deeper than we imagine. The lies are everywhere. Most people are living a life of lies. Even Christians are so into the world, that it is sometimes difficult to tell the difference between a true child of God and the people of the world. They are into their music idols, their sports idols, their technology idols, their movie idols, their television shows idols, their news idols, their so called Christian idols, and even their political idols. They don’t have a clue about the world we live in, and the schemes of the devil that are everywhere. They would much rather be programmed by their Tell a Visions and Radio Programs rather than the Word of God. They simply don’t want to stop drinking the Kool-aid, because after all, they are very comfortable pretending that all is well, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More