Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P39 (02-05-20)
What is the conclusion drawn in Romans 9, as Paul addresses both the Jew and the Gentile? It is about appealing to men to come to Christ by faith and faith alone. Do you want to be proud of heart, like the Jew, or do you want to be humble, like the Gentile, who believed the message Paul preached? Do you want God’s mercy? Do you want to receive God’s grace? If you are in Christ, you already have His grace. If you are still alive, it is His mercy that He already took your sins away, and He is long-suffering and patient with you, waiting for you to come to Him to receive new life.
The proud of heart will not come to Christ to receive life? Why not? They would rather trust their religion, how good they are, or rather they think they are, in observing the law. They would rather be a Jew than a Christian, to be more proud of their heritage than becoming a child of God. Others will not come to Christ for fear their deeds will be exposed. The problem is you are dead, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More