Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/15/2022

Worship in Spirit and Truth

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P34 (02-15-22)

Let The Holy Spirit of God Control Your Life

We continue on with Bob teaching out of the bible study, A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection.

The law written on stone, shows you your sinfulness. And that’s what the Bible says, that the law was given to show us to be perfectly sinful though, so that we would turn to Christ for our redemption. My friends, the law had a purpose, the law still has a purpose, but it says, it’s not to the saved. It’s to the lost and the purpose of the law to the lost, is to show us to be perfectly sinful so that we see and turn to him for his provision.

Now if that ministry that brought death that he’s talking to the wages of sin is death. Here’s the law. Violate it and a goner. If that ministry that brought death, which was engraved on letters of stone came with glory and it did so much Glory that the Israelites couldn’t even look steadily at the face of Moses because of its Glory fading though, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 02/14/2022

Listen to The Spirit of Truth

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P33 (02-14-22)

Led by the Spirit of God

We’re getting ready to begin in lesson number seven, led by the Spirit of God. You know, there’s nothing that is any more of it confusing to the Christian world, many times. And what it is to walk in the spirit. And other words, the absence of any times of the teaching on the holy spirit of God is quite evident in people’s lives. And then when many times there is a teaching on the spirit of God, we make the spirit, something the spirit of God, something, quite different than what I believe, biblically, it talks about the Spirit of God being And that is the spirit of God came to lead us and to teach us to be our counselor. He didn’t come to be our entertainment center. He came to be our counselor and the one who was going to lead us into all truth, which we will talk about very short, but to some the Christian life becomes a matter of imitating Jesus. In other words, the absence of an understanding of the Spirit controlled life … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/09/2022

Don't Set Aside The Grace of God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P32 (02-09-22)

Standing in Truth

There is a basic need in the heart of every man to know God, to experience his forgiveness, to be freed from the bondage of guilt. And to know that he has been totally accepted by God. Only God can meet this need and he does so through his son Jesus Christ. Through his death on the cross, Jesus Christ, demonstrated the love of God for you and me and ushered in a brand new covenant, whereby we can experience forgiveness and have new life. It is because of this that we take a closer look at The Reality of The Resurrection

When we receive God’s abundant provision of Grace and the gift of righteousness, we’re into a situation now where we’re standing on truth. We talked about that before the break that it’s something to stand on. That we are into a situation where God called us to stand on something, that is secure. And if we’re going to stand on something, then we’re going to have to stand on the security that it’s all Jesus, and none of us. Because if … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/08/2022

Do Not Set Aside The Grace of God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P31 (02-08-22)

Do Not Set Aside The Grace of God!

We are going to begin today on page 54 in the section titled, “A New Way of Life” in our bible study guide, A Closer Look at The Reality of the Resurrection. Reminder, you can pick these Closer Look series bible study guides from our online ecommerce website at

As a brief view, we had been discussing of what it is to live under the grace of God. Now that obviously that would not be possible unless we became a new creation. It is a becoming a new creation with a brand new identity and we have a new way of life. If you are still under the law, then you are living under the law. However the very moment you step out of Adam and into Christ, and Christ steps out of Heaven into you, you became a brand new creation. And if anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have past away and behold all things have become new.

Now in the fifth chapter of the book of Romans we … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 02/07/2022

Life in The Spirit

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P30 (02-07-22)

Living Under Grace – Life in The Spirit

Turn to chapter 9, “Living Under Grace” in our study guide, A Closer Look at The Reality of the Resurrection.

Picking up there we read, In Christ we have become brand new creations with a brand new identity. We studied that a couple of weeks ago. And with this comes a brand new way of life. If I’m a new creation, I have a new way of life. It’s like the illustration of the caterpillar and the butterfly. You can try to teach that worm (the caterpillar) to do all the things a butterfly can do, but it’s impossible to do. You can’t improve on your wormhood, you need to be a new creation. This is how being born again is. Once you are born again of the Spirit, you can never go back to being a worm again. You have a brand new identity. You are now a beautiful creature. You can still try and do things that the worm use to do, but you will never be a worm ever again. It won’t feel good … Listen to Broadcast & Read More