Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P34 (04-26-21)
So what does the word of God do for us? It teaches us, corrects us, reproves us, trains us. It can be likened to a yg teenager learning to drive a car. You get back on the road when you are corrected. The word is like that in correcting our way of thinking, by renewing our mind on what truth is. It helps form policies in our minds in regard to the truth that the Spirit of God living in us has made known to us through His word. It changes our attitudes and forms our character to be like Christ’s in our relationships with people, as we depend on Him. The word of God is like food to our spirit as food is to our physical bodies. That is how we live, by hanging onto every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
Some people think we need to learn to think positively, especially as we live in such a world full of negative things we hear about every day, especially whenever we turn on the television or read news headlines. But it is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More