Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/20/2021

Jesus Sets us Apart

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P32 (04-20-21)


With the word of God, and the Spirit of God living in us, knowing the totality of the cross, the reality of the resurrection, and the fullness of what Christ did for us in all of that, regardless of whatever shortcomings there are in translations, you can know the meaning of the scriptures, and so much difficulty in understanding soon disappears. You come to realize that the word of God is divinely inspired, written down through the personalities of men, through the prophets and apostles, but with the full meaning of what God wanted to express to us, that we may put our faith in Him and have eternal life, the abundant life He promised us.

These men, whom God appointed and raised up for that purpose, prior to the foundation of the world, wrote down what God said to them. When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, to indwell the apostles forever, the Holy Spirit brought back to their remembrance, to the apostles, who were eyewitnesses of His death, burial and resurrection, of all that they had seen and heard, that God wanted them to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More