Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/07/2025

Jesus Wants to Give You Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P1005 (02-07-25)

He Who Has Jesus Living in Them, Has Life That is Eternal

~ “And this is that testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. 1 John 5:11-13

~ Salvation is when a person receives the Life of the Holy Spirit. Placing Faith in Jesus, God in the flesh, who died on the cross to take away the sins of the world (which includes them), and was raised again on the third day in order to give us His Life for ALL eternity. When a person receives (accepts) Jesus, for who He is, God, the person becomes born again of the Spirit of God for ALL eternity.

We know that “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness” by God. This is why, Jesus going to the cross only happened once, and he is never going to go to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 06/14/2024

Agree With God 1 John 1 9

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P942 (06-14-24)

Forgiveness Has Been Completed by God Once for ALL Sins for ALL People for ALL Time

~ Without the Shedding of blood there is NO forgiveness. Jesus is NOT going to ever die again for anyone’s sins. Sins have been taken away from the eyes of God, and He is Not counting anyone’s sins against them. Faith says “Thank you!” That is the only thing that pleases God, faith expressing itself with Love. And it’s not that we loved Him, but He first LOVED us. He Loved us so much that he died for us while we were yet sinners. All people are born into this world as a sinner. Every person needs to accept Jesus for what He has done for them. Agree with God. Agree with God that He took away ALL your sins on the cross. Cement that TRUTH in your heart. Faith says, “Thank you” to God.

There are people today that jump around all over the place, and never come to the knowledge of Truth. They do NOT exercise faith, and would rather base their belief system on their own understanding of things and what is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/13/2024

Taken Away Forever

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P941 (06-13-24)

Jesus Did NOT Atone for Sin, He Took Sin Away

~ It is so important to pay attention to the details in the word of God. Most pastors and teachers today speak of the atoning work of Jesus, and that right there is a lie that Satan wants you to believe in. Satan wants you to believe the lie that Jesus atoned for your sins, that Jesus atoned for the sins of the world. When the TRUTH of the matter is Jesus took away the sins of the world from the eyes of God, and is no longer counting anyone’s sins against them today. Most people overlook this major detail and will sit in a church setting today with an agent of Satan teaching lies left and right, all the while donating to the lies of the devil, and polluting their mind with Satan’s lies, never calling them out. Why would anyone want to sit in a church setting that teaches these major lies? Why would they rather listen to the teaching of man rather than the Truth of the word of God? It doesn’t matter whether a person is a … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/09/2024

Repent of Your Unbelief

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P90 (04-09-24)

Repentance is a Change of Mind of Who Jesus is and What He Did on the Cross

~ Most people have NOT changed their minds about what Jesus did on the cross. They give lip service to Jesus and His finished work on the cross. Jesus, God in flesh, took away the sins of the world. Yet every big box and most small box churches are teaching the lie of ongoing forgiveness. And people are so in love with their false ministers of righteousness, that they don’t care what the bottom line teaching is in regards to forgiveness. These people are dead. They are dead in their unbelief. They think they are saved, yet they hop onto other lies of Satan simply because that is what their itching ears want to hear. And there is nothing new under the sun. Satan has done a masterful job of deceiving the nations (all the people of the world). People love their sports stars, their movie stars, and even use them for quoting other lies of the devil. Then there are those that constantly throw out the word of God because they spread the lie … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 04/08/2024

Jesus Took Away All Your Sins at The Cross

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P89 (04-08-24)

Atonement Covered Sins – Jesus Took Away Sins Forever

~ Don’t listen to anyone that says, “the atoning death of Jesus,” because that is a lie. Jesus did NOT atone for sins. Jesus took away all sins at the cross. The two are completely different meanings to the words in the Greek. And Satan loves to muddy the waters, and uses his transformed agents of self righteousness to spread his lies of deceit to all that follow them. This is key for today. For if you listen to people that teach these lies, you will be listening to a perverted person. For their minds are perverted with Satan’s lies, instead of the Truth of the Word of God. Proof is at your fingertips today. To be a Berean is simple. Study God’s Word for yourself. And furthermore, if you have the Holy Spirit living in you, He will show you All Truth. And those of you that are in Christ Jesus, know exactly what we are talking about today. For we have all seen it first hand ourselves. And the tribulation will come upon you when you teach Truth. Because the world … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/29/2024

Salvation is Eternal Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P911 (02-29-24)

Salvation is Eternal Life

~ The sin that so easily entangles is unbelief in the finished work of the cross. No matter where you go, the lies of Satan are taught to make you think that you need more forgiveness by God. The sin of unbelief is easy to entangle a person. A person focuses on what man says instead of the teaching of God. And Satan, through his agents will make salvation mean something completely different. People then become hooked on the idea that a person can lose something based on their own works or lack of works of righteousness. But we always need to back up to the truth of the word of God. Don’t let anyone knock you out of the race. Jesus is the perfector of our faith, NOT man, and certainly not yourself. It’s time to set the record straight in your mind, and get rid of the stuff that hinders you. Stop listening to Satan’s agents. Stop listening to what the world tells you is good. For all of that stuff has been inverted, and what is good is called evil and what is evil … Listen to Broadcast & Read More