Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P34 (12-06-22)
Sin Lives in my Flesh Not in my Spirit When a Person is Born Again of the Spirit
~ “Now Paul under the law, and Romans 7:15 through 24. He said something, I don’t understand what I do. It’s really a good thing that Paul was not living in our generation, because we would immediately have sent him to probably some Christian psychologist. Because if you don’t understand what you do, you must have some real big problem. You’ve probably been potty trained too early, you may have had a mother, you may have come from a dysfunctional family. But Something is definitely wrong with you, Paul, if you don’t understand what you do, because all men should understand what they do. Why all men. They don’t. We don’t function in that confusion of don’t understand why you do something that’s really abnormal. And you say, Oh, really? It really Yeah. So here’s Paul saying, I don’t understand what I do. And I’ll guarantee his solution to that is not to go to his shrink, and it’s not to get on Prozac. He’s gonna say I don’t understand … Listen to Broadcast & Read More