Radio Broadcast Monday 11/27/2023

Worlds Sin is Unbelief in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P38 (11-27-23)

The World’s Sin is Unbelief in Jesus

~~ If you are in Christ Jesus, then He, the Spirit of God is IN you! The Holy Spirit lives in every true born again believer in God. They are a child of the Living God. They are alive because the Holy Spirit gives life to the dead. The Holy Spirit is our true Counselor. People go to everyone else today for counseling, but most do not go directly to God for True counseling. Yet the very Spirit of Truth lives in the believer and He gives us knowledge and wisdom and Truth directly from God.

We need to pay attention to the details. Jesus tells us the world’s sin is unbelief in Him. So many people focus on this sin or that sin, all the while ignoring the Major SIN of Unbelief in Jesus. Agents of the devil will even point out all the other sins of the world (and lie to you about getting those sins cleaned up) but not unbelief in Jesus. The Holy Spirit on the other hand is telling us the key is unbelief in Jesus. We ought to heed … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

New Years P4 Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/30/2021

Jesus Sent the Holy Spirit

Classic Christianity – New Years P4 (12-30-21)

The Holy Spirit is Constantly Renewing Your Mind – Teaching You Truth

Simeon prophesied that Jesus will cause the rising and falling of many in Israel, a sign that will be spoken against, so that the hearts of many will be revealed. There is something about mankind, who is born spiritually dead, that he is naturally opposed to truth. Truth sounds as foolishness to him. You can talk about God all day long, and people seem to be okay with that. People talk about all kinds of religions, and people are okay with that too. But once you talk about Jesus or the truth of His word, there is an aversion, a pulling away, or even quite a reaction with false accusations.

In today’s world, hardly anyone wants to hear truth anymore. The bible and prayer have long been kicked out of the public sphere. Situational ethics and evolution have been taught in our schools. Seminaries are teaching things that ought not to be taught. Even bible societies and bible translators are not required to uphold the bible as the inerrant word of God. Jesus warned about this when he spoke about the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/19/2021

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest Now Rest

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P32 (10-19-21)

Come to Jesus; Enter that Sabbath Rest God Has Provided; Take a Vacation in Jesus

Why do we not experience peace? Is it because of faulty thinking? So, when you recognize you are not thinking correctly, do you go to a counselor instead of the Counselor, the Spirit of truth? What did the counselor prescribe? Maybe the counselor did point you to the Counselor. Or, maybe he just gave you some medicine to numb your mind. Either way, he cannot help you. But if He knows Christ, he can certainly point you to the one who can. Or do you go to a gentle stream? And you might feel some temporary relief, until you leave the scene. Is that the peace we read about that Jesus tells us we can have? No. He says that He gives us peace the world knows nothing about.

John 14:25-27
25 “All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to

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New Years P4 Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/31/2020

Jesus Sent the Holy Spirit

Classic Christianity – New Years P4 (12-31-20)


Simeon prophesied that Jesus will cause the rising and falling of many in Israel, a sign that will be spoken against, so that the hearts of many will be revealed. There is something about mankind, who is born spiritually dead, that he is naturally opposed to truth. Truth sounds as foolishness to him. You can talk about God all day long, and people seem to be okay with that. People talk about all kinds of religions, and people are okay with that. But once you talk about Jesus or the truth of His word, there is an aversion, a pulling away, or even quite a reaction with false accusations.

In today’s world, hardly anyone wants to hear truth anymore. The bible and prayer have long been kicked out of the public sphere. Situational ethics and evolution have been taught in our schools. Seminaries are teaching things that ought not to be taught. Even bible societies and bible translators are not required to uphold the bible as the inerrant word of God. Jesus warned about this when he spoke about the tares among the wheat.

How did this all come about? This, of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/27/2020

Salvation - Eternal Life in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P524 (03-27-20)


Listen as Bob George answers practical questions in the world today, about Christian psychology, excuses of men, and turning your back on God, false converts, false teachers, denominational creeds or persuasions rather than the truth of the word of God, and what is it that Jesus spoke about in the sermon on the mount. Bob addressed in more detail why Jesus came to earth, what his mission was, and why Jesus taught what he taught as someone born of a virgin, under the law, to fulfill the law and to uphold the law for us. I thought this was worth repeating so I will quote what Bob had shared.

Bob: Most people do not understand the purpose of why Jesus taught on this earth. He taught because he was headed to a cross to bring salvation. His teaching prior to salvation did not bring salvation. It identified the condition of man and therefore prepared them for salvation. His goal was the cross and the resurrection. He went to the cross to take away the sins of the world and then the resurrection to bring life from the dead, to bring … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/02/2020

Jesus Sets You Apart

Classic Christianity – New Years P4 (01-02-20)


Simeon prophesied that Jesus will cause the rising and falling of many in Israel, a sign that will be spoken against, so that the hearts of many will be revealed. There is something about mankind, who is born spiritually dead, that he is naturally opposed to truth. Truth sounds as foolishness to him. You can talk about God all day long, and people seem to be okay with that. People talk about all kinds of religions, and people are okay with that. But once you talk about Jesus or the truth of His word, there is an aversion, a pulling away, or even quite a reaction with false accusations.

In today’s world, hardly anyone wants to hear truth anymore. The bible and prayer have long been kicked out of the public sphere. Situational ethics and evolution have been taught in our schools. Seminaries are teaching things that ought not to be taught. Even bible societies and bible translators are not required to uphold the bible as the inerrant word of God. Jesus warned about this when he spoke about the tares among the wheat.

How did this all come about? This, of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More