Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P536 (05-15-20)
You never want to get doctrinal truth from any other book besides the bible, the 66 books that we all the bible today. This book does not contain the ideas and thoughts of men, but came by way of the Spirit of God, revealing truth to men, that then came to be written down. And it was not through any man, but through the prophets of old and the apostles of God. The prophets heard directly from God and the apostles were eyewitnesses of all that Jesus did and said. Neither do you want to form doctrine by what men today say from their denominational persuasion. You test what every man says with the truth revealed to you by reading the word of God yourself while relying on the Spirit of God to teach you. Truth must be revealed by the Spirit of God, who must be living in you. The Spirit comes to live in you when you are born again, made alive spiritually by your belief in what Jesus alone accomplished for you by his death, burial and resurrection.
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