Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/28/2020

Jesus is Truth Jesus is God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P516 (02-28-20)


Truth is so important to grab a hold of so you can walk in the way God intended. On today’s program, two callers called, that highlight how when truth is not understood or grasped, you are unable to walk in the new life God has given you. There are those people who will not think it worthwhile to hold onto truth, and have been deceived by the thinking of the world, and are lost. Sometimes people call in on behalf of a son or daughter or granddaughter who has been ensnared, and are asking for counsel in how to reach their loved ones with truth. Then there are those who have not quite grasped what salvation is, and because of their faulty thinking, such as the fear of losing salvation, they are unable to walk in true freedom.

As the world gets worse and worse, there is so much thinking of this world that is in conflict with proper thinking. You may not be able to carry out that which is good, but you never want to get to the point of calling something other than what God calls it, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/20/2019

Faith Says Thank You to God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P15 (11-20-19)


Have you ever tried to share the gospel with those who have been taught from their traditions hundreds of years? How hard it is to tell someone that everything they have been taught is wrong! So many people today are still approaching righteousness with God based on what they do. This is the same thing Paul faced sharing truth with the Jewish people. They claimed they believed in Moses and have Abraham as their father. The Jews took offense at the fact that the Gentiles, the heathen, idol worshiping Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have received righteousness, and yet they, who work at obeying the law, have not received righteousness from God. Why not? They pursued a righteousness as if by works of the law and not by faith.

So Paul appeals to the Jews, those of his own race and upbringing, to consider what Abraham believed? Abraham believed God and his faith was credited to him as righteousness, and that before the law was given, before he was even circumcised. In those days, circumcision is not unlike baptism of today. It was a sign of someone’s faith. The sign … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/18/2019

Righteousness is Only From God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P13 (11-18-19)


Bob continues sharing from the book of Romans. Follow along in the 3rd chapter of Romans. Paul explains this righteousness that is by faith after first explaining man’s condition of spiritual death. Both the Jew and the Gentile are reduced to the same level, spiritually dead and in need of life. The Jew under the law has been buried by the law, condemned by the law. The Gentile, not having the law, is condemned by his own conscience, which testifies against him. In both cases, whether under the law or apart from the law, they are both sinners, dead in their trespasses and sins. Indeed, no one, not a man born today, will be declared righteous by observing the law for it is through the law you are conscious of sin.

Paul explains righteousness, contrasting what man thinks is righteousness with God’s righteousness. Am I a righteous person because of what I am doing? Think about that? If you are righteous because of what you are doing, then how much do you have to do that thing to become righteous and how little do you have to do before you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/12/2019

God Judges On Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P11 (11-12-19)


Follow along in Romans 2, and let the Lord teach you through his word. Let Him teach you about your condition of spiritual death. Let him teach you about misplaced dependency. Become born again and learn to depend on Christ. That is where obedience comes from. We love because he first loved us. Consider the fact that God created all there is, and he created you. He knows how you were designed to function. So let us ask Him how we are to live. To live is Christ and to die is gain. Let us learn what that means.

The best illustration of how God designed us to live is what Jesus taught us in John 15, about the vine and the branches. Jesus also demonstrated love, walked in love. He showed us, as a man born into this world, how man is to function. Jesus only did what he saw his Father doing. He did exactly what His Father told him to do and what His Father told him to say and how to say. He became obedient to death, death on a cross, for you and me. That was … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/02/2019

Jesus Said God Alone is Good

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 80 (10-02-19)


Let us join Bob now as he gets started with today’s lesson. This morning before we get into the actual teaching in John 18 is to go back and review chronology of what took place in those last days of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In order to do that we need to go back to chapter 13. Jesus Christ was getting ready to meet with his disciples for the last major instruction to them and we have all of that instruction contained in chapter 13, where he taught the disciples of servitude. The washing of the disciples feet was an act of servitude on their behalf.

He then predicted his betrayal, or it is probably better to say he announced his betrayal, and that this was not something that was going to come by accident, but it was something that was known in the heart of God, and he told him about that.

He also at that time predicted to Peter, who basically was I believe as sincere as a heart attack in about everything he did, but he was like a lot of us. He was rambunctious … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/27/2019

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/27/2019

Classic Christianity – Our Attitude Towards Legalism Part 3 (03-27-19)

Bob George TeachingBob George continues sharing a lesson on our attitude toward legalism from the example of Jesus in Matthew 23. Follow along as Bob provides insight into the seven woes Jesus had spoken to the legalistic Pharisees in his day. Jesus spoke this way because he loved them enough to tell them the truth. Would you speak truthfully to legalists in today’s world? Are we blind to our own weaknesses and need someone to speak truthfully to us? Let us learn from the Spirit so we can have the same attitude toward legalism as Jesus.

Bob George then explains the condition of all our hearts. Are we not also inconsistent, smiling one day and cursing another? Can you be kind and nice one day, but honk your horn in anger at the one who cut in front of you on the freeway? Do you see the internal attitude of your own heart? Do you see that in your heart you committed murder by the hate inside you? Do you see only the exterior of the law, and think yourself as being okay. So you say you have never committed adultery yet … Listen to Broadcast & Read More