Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P554 (07-17-20)
Many people experience depression. It seems it comes upon people because of injury, insult or rejection. There is often fear and anger associated with that. You do not want to experience that again. There is fear that you will. You have experienced those same patterns again and again. The truth to that matter, that is part of what Jesus said, that in this world you shall have tribulation. The key to overcoming depression is not by trying to alleviate the problem but by getting to know the perfect, unconditional love of God. For God Himself said that since He has overcome the world, and He lives in you and will never leave you or forsake you, that in Him, you too can overcome the world. He said that perfect love casts out fear.
This renewing of your mind will not happen overnight, but as you listen to the Lord and let Him speak to you through His word, you will begin to see your life transformed in your thinking. Your circumstances may not change, but inner attitudes in your heart will change. You will find that in the midst of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More