Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/17/2020

Jesus Gives People New Hearts

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P554 (07-17-20)


Many people experience depression. It seems it comes upon people because of injury, insult or rejection. There is often fear and anger associated with that. You do not want to experience that again. There is fear that you will. You have experienced those same patterns again and again. The truth to that matter, that is part of what Jesus said, that in this world you shall have tribulation. The key to overcoming depression is not by trying to alleviate the problem but by getting to know the perfect, unconditional love of God. For God Himself said that since He has overcome the world, and He lives in you and will never leave you or forsake you, that in Him, you too can overcome the world. He said that perfect love casts out fear.

This renewing of your mind will not happen overnight, but as you listen to the Lord and let Him speak to you through His word, you will begin to see your life transformed in your thinking. Your circumstances may not change, but inner attitudes in your heart will change. You will find that in the midst of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/02/2020

Jesus is the Solution to Fix Your Heart Problem

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P549 (07-02-20)


When you teach or serve or give or encourage, with whatever gift God has given you, you are serving the body of Christ. When you know the love of God for you, that while you were yet a sinner, God died for you, and grab a hold of that, that if it were not for the grace of God, there goes I, and realize God lives in you, you see changes done in you and through you. You learn tenderness and mercy and kindness toward others. You learn to serve one another in love with all sincerity, and that comes from God.

So when you see a talented singer on stage, and he has a weak moment and he stumbles on a stage, drunk, what is your heart attitude? Are you thinking of the reputation of your band or group? Are you thinking about how hurt and broken that person must be?

To help someone, it is good to be careful not to attack anything, what a certain program, such as Alcoholic Anonymous, may be doing that is not perfectly scriptural but is at least helping a person break a … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/06/2019

Jesus is Truth - Truth is Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P9 (11-06-19)


In this world we live in, of political correctness, there is a strong pull to cave into the thinking of the world. You also have television that tries to convince you how fun something is. You have the soap operas and the commercials after big events such as the Super Bowl. All these influences that tempt us to not hold onto the knowledge of the truth. But we are instructed in scripture to hold onto truth.

So Bob shares truth from the scriptures. Currently we are studying Romans 1:28-32. This is what God says about these matters, of what perversion is, such as homosexual activity, and how it forms in the human heart.

We see someone who is caught in sin, a sin as devastating as homosexuality. Now, it is sin because that is what God calls it. God calls it perversion. Adultery is sin. Worry is sin. A Christian can be caught up in any sinful behavior, even the sin of homosexuality. All that it takes is to listen to the voice of Satan and give into a lie that this is something I have never done. You hear the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/03/2019

Jesus Sets Your Heart Apart

Classic Christianity – Bob George – New Years P4 (01-03-19)

Bob George TeachingThank you so much for tuning into Classic Christianity radio with Bob George, who has been on the air for over 30 years, teaching people from God’s word. Our prayer for you is that you grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us now join Bob as he presents practical biblical insights to help people experience faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ.

Bob shares from Luke 2 and Matthew 2. When one reads the wickedness of King Herod and the murder of children 2 years old and younger, Bob answers the question many have asked, “Where is God in all this?” Bob answers by explaining the choice God made in making mankind with free will. He explains how God sent Jesus to redeem mankind after he used his free will to choose to be independent and rebellious to God, the same attitude in Satan whom God cast out of heaven. Yet fallen man also has the choice to choose God’s provision in Jesus Christ. Even then free will is not removed. People can choose to reject the way of salvation or choose new life … Listen to Broadcast & Read More