Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/24/2020

Father Forgive Them

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P30 (06-24-20)


To really appreciate and understand this mystery, Christ in you, your hope of glory, that is for both the Jew and the Gentile, let us learn something about the background of who the Jews and the Gentiles were in the time period of the Old Testament, and of the time Jesus walked the earth until the day that the first Gentile received the Holy Spirit just like the Jews at Pentecost did. That mystery was not revealed until God revealed it to the apostle Paul. Even though the truth of that was in the heart of God, and there are even scriptures spoken through the prophets of a promised light unto the Gentiles, that was not understood. What Jew, who had the law and the prophets and the ceremonies and the traditions of Moses, could comprehend a Gentile coming to faith the same way as the Jew? As bad as we observe things happening even in the United States today, with same-sex marriage and the flaunting of homosexual perversion, that was nothing compared to temple prostitution and statues of various goddesses erected along with the barbaric … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 06/23/2020

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P29 (06-23-20)


There is hope not just for that future day after I die where I am absent from the body and present with the Lord. There is hope for today by faith in His promises. But knowing our tomorrow is secure, it puts our mind at ease to face today, for they are but light and momentary in comparison to who is at work within us, those things that last forever. We, who are in Christ, do not have to worry about our future. Therefore, we do not have to worry about our present. Neither do we have to worry about our past. It is over. So press on to the high calling in Christ Jesus.

To grasp this hope we have, let us look at how it all started. Here is God, knowing our state of spiritual death. We have not known that unless that is revealed to us. We think, “Adam certainly sinned and was dead, but not me”. That is our thinking until truth is revealed to us. God sent Jesus into this world to reveal truth into the hearts of man so that … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/21/2020

Life in The Spirit

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P537 (05-21-20)


Knowing God and His word, the meaning of the word as revealed by the Spirit of God, is really useful for practical living.Sometimes you wonder what happens in religious denominations, if they even know God or His word. You have people who just do not think, believing the King James only bible, and those who are into legalism. It sure makes you wonder if they even have the Spirit, because if you have the Spirit living in you, you would think you would be led by the Spirit. You cannot be led by the spirit and be led by the law at the same time.

As a person led by the Spirit of God, you will begin to realize when something is not working, those old thinking patterns you used to have as a lost person. You might be struggling in your marriage. But little by little you hear truth, and that truth is maybe taught in a different way than how you have been taught in your local denomination you assemble with and it just helps you to walk free, in a new and different way.

Take for example, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/07/2020

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P65 (04-07-20)


When you think of church, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Do you think of activities, a church building on the corner of walk and don’t walk? Or, do you think of people you so dearly loved, of how they have grown in the Lord, memories of how they moved your heart, influenced your own life or the lives of others? Do you think of truth of the word of God that was told that transformed the lives of people, and your own life as well? Do you remember the loving-kindness, the patience and long-suffering, and love that was on display among God’s people? Listen as Paul mentions the names of several people that moved his heart.

The church is people, made up of those who are born again, sanctified, set apart from the world, called unto God. The church is a place to be where we can learn, have fellowship with one another, pray with each other and for one another. With this Corona virus quarantine many are under, the understanding of church is being evaluated. Those who used to meet together, what did you meet together … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/23/2020

Jesus is True Righteousness

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P58 (03-23-20)


We are in Romans 15. Bob George provides further background information in our study of Romans. He discusses how Jesus was a Jew, and so were all the apostles and prophets He raised up to bring he message of good news, the gospel, to all mankind. Just as today, you have religion in conflict or in contradiction to a real genuine relationship with the living God, through Jesus Christ, who is God in the flesh. You had orthodox Jews and you had the conservative Jew, and you had the born again Jew. So too today. You have the religious people, the secular people, and the born again people, who came out from among all nations, peoples, and tongues. The gospel went to the Jew first, and then to the Gentile. That is why the Jew has a special place in the heart of a born again Gentile. It was through the apostle Paul, a Jew, that we have the scriptures in our own language today, so we might know God and His Son Jesus Christ, and come to know we have eternal life. With eternal life, we are made into a … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/16/2020

Trust in Jesus by Faith Not Law

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P55 (03-16-20)


There is nothing we can do to make ourselves acceptable to God. Now that is difficult to grasp by many people. Why is that? Is it because they do not know what sin really is or what righteousness really is? Most people tend to evaluate themselves next to how other people are doing. After all, they say, “I never murdered anyone one like Adolf Hitler”. They see sin in categories, where actions are greater than attitudes, committing adultery is worse than lust or murder is worse than anger or jealousy. Many view sin as a numerical counting system, where adultery gets you 10 points, stealing 9, and the other things we do a lot more of, such as lying, gets you one or two points. So many people think as if God grades on a curve, that somehow if your good outweighs your bad, then you will make it into heaven.

But that is not how God operates. God is so holy he cannot look upon sin. Sin is defined as anything that does not come from faith. The attitudes of the heart are treated just as if you committed the … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message