Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P30 (06-24-20)
To really appreciate and understand this mystery, Christ in you, your hope of glory, that is for both the Jew and the Gentile, let us learn something about the background of who the Jews and the Gentiles were in the time period of the Old Testament, and of the time Jesus walked the earth until the day that the first Gentile received the Holy Spirit just like the Jews at Pentecost did. That mystery was not revealed until God revealed it to the apostle Paul. Even though the truth of that was in the heart of God, and there are even scriptures spoken through the prophets of a promised light unto the Gentiles, that was not understood. What Jew, who had the law and the prophets and the ceremonies and the traditions of Moses, could comprehend a Gentile coming to faith the same way as the Jew? As bad as we observe things happening even in the United States today, with same-sex marriage and the flaunting of homosexual perversion, that was nothing compared to temple prostitution and statues of various goddesses erected along with the barbaric … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message