Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 58 (08-13-19)
The Jews who saw the miracles of Jesus, and believed even based on the miracles themselves, spread the word of Jesus. A born again believer knows and understands the good news and wants others to know the good news too, news that saves and changes lives. Yet, there are people who, out of fear of what others might think or do, will hold back spreading such good news. That is why Jesus said, “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life”.
There are the religious people out there who are so accustomed to legalism, who add to what the scriptures teach, and see what these grace teachers are teaching as a threat to their place and their position. That is not unlike the Pharisees and religious leaders in Jesus day. They did not receive the news of Jesus favorably. Instead, they sought all the more to put Jesus to death. “Let us put an end to this”, they said. Job security killed Jesus. Job security also seeks to put a stop to the grace teachers … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message