Radio Broadcast Tuesday 08/13/2019

Life of Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 58 (08-13-19)


The Jews who saw the miracles of Jesus, and believed even based on the miracles themselves, spread the word of Jesus. A born again believer knows and understands the good news and wants others to know the good news too, news that saves and changes lives. Yet, there are people who, out of fear of what others might think or do, will hold back spreading such good news. That is why Jesus said, “Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life”.

There are the religious people out there who are so accustomed to legalism, who add to what the scriptures teach, and see what these grace teachers are teaching as a threat to their place and their position. That is not unlike the Pharisees and religious leaders in Jesus day. They did not receive the news of Jesus favorably. Instead, they sought all the more to put Jesus to death. “Let us put an end to this”, they said. Job security killed Jesus. Job security also seeks to put a stop to the grace teachers … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 07/30/2019

Remove the Grave Clothes

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 52 (07-30-19)


Jesus has just raised Lazarus from the dead. Here is Jesus, God in the flesh, looking beyond the immediate situation, knowing the deepest need of man. Yet man is so naturally selfish. He is really only concerned about his immediate problem. Natural man is not so concerned if someone else’s mother dies. But if his own mother dies, then he is concerned. God looks beyond the immediate need. He looks at the needs of the entire world. God looks at those needs and says, “I will cause all things to work together for the good of those who love God and have been called according to his purpose. I will not make bad good.” That is why we can praise God in all things. We have that promise from Christ Jesus.

Martha, the sister of Lazarus who is lying dead in a tomb with a stone rolled in front of the entrance says to Jesus, “But Jesus, there is a strong odor. He has been in their for over 4 days.” Jesus tells her, “Did I not tell you, that if you believed, you will see the glory of God?” … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/29/2019


Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 51 (07-29-19)


Bob shares from the book of John where Lazarus had died. Jesus meets Mary and Martha. Martha tells Jesus, “If you had only been here, my brother would not have died. But even now, I know that whatever you ask will be done.” Here we come to see more about the person of Jesus. When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. Jesus is a real person with a heart. Jesus, being God in the flesh, was at His Father’s side, creating all that exists, the world we see and all of mankind. Mankind was designed to be created with the Spirit of God living in him. Here he is among his own creation. Imagine God weeping at the fall of man, seeing what was intended in his creation, knowing how man was designed to function, destroyed in a moment by the cunning of Satan, once known as Lucifer, a fallen angel, who has become the father of lies and has deceived man and has him bound in sin and death. That is why … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/05/2019

Your Sins Have Been Forgiven by God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P453 (7-05-19)

Bob received a call by Patsy, who wanted guidance or reassurance in regards to actions she had taken with a granddaughter who had chosen to live a lesbian lifestyle. Bob reassured her that what Patsy did was in accordance with truth and love for her granddaughter. You do not have to be a believer to know that the actions of your granddaughter is sin. Bob explains Romans 12 in regards to this kind of perverse mind and also the actions taken by the apostle Paul in regards to a similar sexual perversion that occurred in the midst of the believers in 1 Corinthians. So Patsy did what was right to send her granddaughter back to her parents because of her persistent rebellion. Bob and Patsy were in agreement in the truth on this.

“You set a standard and tell her the truth in regards to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ loves you and he was raised to offer you eternal life. He did not create you a depraved pervert. That came from your own choice. But I am not going to have that behavior flaunted in our own home. When you flaunt … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/04/2019

Jesus Came to Set You Free

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P452 (7-04-19)

Bob received calls from several callers who heard error. These are the questions asked. Can I be in and out of fellowship with God? Have I committed the unpardonable sin? What about a young child or the handicapped or those who have never heard the gospel of salvation?

Dale called for clarification of truth from a pastor who spoke error concerning a believer being in and out of fellowship with God. He had incorrectly taught from the parable of the prodigal son from Luke 15 to explain a false teaching of being in and out of fellowship with God. Luke 15 is not talking about a believer but an unsaved lost son who received righteousness by faith and faith alone and an older brother who failed to receive that righteousness by faith. It is really a parable about the self righteous Jew and the non-seeking Gentile who hears the message of Christ, believes and is saved.

Mark calls on behalf of his 8 year old daughter concerning about what happens when young children die. Bob shared that for young children or the mentally handicapped, we just trust in God, who is … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/03/2019

What is Salvation

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 41 (07-03-19)

Turn to the gospel of John.

Let us look at a passage of scripture so important to us that is so clear on what Jesus said in regards to salvation. Salvation is being saved from the consequences of sin, which is death, by the gift of God, which is the resurrected life of Jesus Christ. Mankind has all kinds of opinions on what salvation is. Are you saved by going to a certain denomination? No! By doing enough good or avoiding too much bad? No!

Do you lean on your understanding? We all have that tendency. Do you rely on what man has told you? Do you look at the DaVinci code, the philosophies of men or science for the answer to life? Where is your source of truth and is it reliable? Is it from men or from God and how would you know?

Man has the tendency to rely on his own understanding for truth, which is the same error in the garden of Eden. Adam chose to find out for himself what is right and wrong and what is good and evil. He told God he did not … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message