Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 10/30/2020

New Life in Christ Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P584 (10-30-20)


When you become born again, all things become new. Yes, there is growth, a renewing of the mind that has to occur, and will occur. We have an enemy, called Satan, that speaks through to our flesh. We learn to recognize the voice of God and what truth is, so that we can demolish those strongholds, those lies of Satan, and begin to walk in the new life God has given. God is tender toward us, and we have been given a new identity, called a child of God.

That new identity we have, a child of God, not a sinner saved by grace or an ex-convict, but a child of God, and when you grasp that truth, that is the starting point in which growth occurs. When you realize that God will never leave you or forsake, and loves and accepts you unconditionally, then that is an anchor to your soul. If error is what binds you, then truth is what sets you free.

So listen now as Bob shares truth with a believer who came to Christ while in prison and is now finding himself struggling with feelings … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/15/2020

Jesus Lives in Believers

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P579 (10-15-20)


The older you get, you will be at a funeral of a mother or father or close friend. That is a part of life. That was not God’s design for people to die. That came about when the first created beings sinned, and so sin and death entered the world.

But, God, out of His deep love for us, provided a solution so that we can be raised to new life in Him. If you grasp the depth of His love for you, of His taking away your cause of death, called sin, then you can appreciate the cross. For you realize how depraved and hopeless you are, and have come to grips that not only are you a sinner, but you are separated from your creator, who loves you so much. When you realize He died to take away your sins, and then rose again so you can freely come to Him, to receive new life, His life you were unable to live. You accept the life in Christ Jesus that is full of joy and peace and patience and kindness. You respond to that and receive Him, His … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 06/09/2020

Believe Jesus Took Away All Your Sins

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P23 (06-09-20)


In this world today, of riots and pillaging and murder in the streets, is that something that should shock us, as if that would never happen, in a world of sin and death? God said that in this world you will have trials and tribulations. So what happens when we do not hold onto the truth of what God has said? Do we even realize that there is an enemy called Satan, or have we been deceived into thinking he does not exist? If we think he does not exist, then who do people tend to blame? Do they not tend to blame God for causing or allowing these things to happen? Do we have unrealistic expectations, expectations different than what God told us to expect to happen? So why is this faith in Christ so vital for us to walk in, to believe what God has said and to act upon that belief?

But what else has God promised us. He said that He has overcome the world. And in Him there is peace that surpasses understanding. And, he said that He will cause all … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/01/2020

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/01/2020

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P532 (05-01-20)


Listen to Bob answer some common questions people ask still today. Why do I get angry? Is anger a sin? How do I deal with anger? Then you have questions about the Mormons who come knocking on your door. What do they believe? Should I listen to them? Should I let them in? What about Islam and Judaism? Do they worship the same God as Christians?

First of all, anger is a secondary response to fear. It is normal to the human experience, and yes it is sin. So is impatience and not being kind, and anything that is not love, as defined in 1 Corinthians 13. So what Jesus is really getting us to realize and to look at is the attitudes of our heart. He wants us to come to him by faith and to continue walking by faith. Know that there is no condemnation for you, who are in Christ Jesus. Learn to abide in Him, to walk in the Spirit, as Jesus explained to us in the parable of the vine and the branches (John 15). We will still fail at times, for that is so … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/17/2020

Jesus First Loved Us

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P56 (03-17-20)


Romans 13:8 summarizes for us this continual need of love in our hearts. So many people mistake the gospel that saves as the gospel of love, as if by your ability to love, to love God and your neighbor as yourself, is something you do so you become like Christ in order to be saved. That is not the gospel. Love is a fruit of the Spirit, something we never had and could never produce apart from the the Spirit of God. Without the Spirit of God living in us, we do not have anything. But when you are born again, the Spirit of God is placed in you, and by abiding in Him, you allow the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), love being one characteristic, to be produced in you and through you.

So among the Jews and the Gentiles, God formed a new body, the Ekklesia, the body of Christ, made up of both the born again Jew and the born again Gentile. As these born again people are being renewed in their minds, they learn to live in harmony with one another. When you believed in Christ … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/25/2020

Classic Christianity and Bible Studies

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P47 (02-25-20)

As we delve into Romans 12, let us review also what the apostle Paul is sharing concerning this gift of new life in Christ Jesus. He went to great lengths to explain how both the Jews and the Gentiles are both alike under sin and death. He explained how sin caused our death, that we were born dead in sin, having inherited that sin nature from Adam. God, seeing the fallen state of mankind, sent His only Son into the world so the world might be saved through him. See, we were condemned already, for not believing in God’s only Son.

Think about that. Anything that does not come from faith is sin. Faith is the basis of trust, of trusting someone completely. So what happened in the garden of Eden? Adam chose not to believe God, when He said if you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, if you decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil, then you shall surely die. Adam did what God warned him not to do and he died.

Romans 5:12

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