Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/30/2021

Jesus Wants to Indwell in You

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P656 (07-30-21)

Salvation: Totality of the Cross, Being Made Complete in Christ and Growing in Grace

As people are growing in grace, they have questions. Oftentimes, they read passages of scriptures like Hebrews 6:4-6, that they just do not understand it yet. So they call up on a program such as this, or if they are around like-minded believers, where they are free to ask questions in order to grow in grace, they get guidance from mature believers, who rightly divide the word of truth. Many times people have not grabbed a hold of truth because there is something missing in their understanding. Of course, if you just got saved yesterday, you are still on the milk of the word, and that is where you are at. You have not had much time in the word of God yet. So it is helpful to have pastor-teachers that teach truth, help out in our understanding.

Many times people grow up in the church world and they may have memorized all kinds of scriptures, but it as if the scriptures are all put in a basket, and as they pull out scriptures, they do … Listen to Broadcast & Read More