Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/08/2022

Victory Over Depression Teaching

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P750 (07-08-22)

Get Victory Over Depression With Jesus Christ and The Renewal of Your Mind

There as so many times we get in a funk, and think the weight of the world is on our shoulders, and we start thinking in fear and despair of what is going to happen tomorrow or how something that we have no control over is going to turn out. We worry to the point that get so fearful that it messes up with our proper thinking. We then start thinking more of these depressing thoughts and that leads to more fear and more despair, which leads to more depression. It’s a downward spiral that we have to get out of. There is hope for this situation, and the Holy Spirit can renew your mind in this area of wrongful thinking.  We have available from our website a number of helpful things that will lead a person out of depression and into a life of dependency on Christ Jesus.

Victory Over Depression

How to Experience Victory Over Depression is an enlightening series that provides insights into the spiritual, psychological and emotional problems of depression. It traces the downward … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/13/2021

Classic Christianity and Growing in Grace of Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P661 (08-13-21)

Addressing Music Style, Modesty and Behavior in the Church

Common questions asked in the church are about proper behavior, music styles and modesty in the church assembly (see 1 Corinthians 6 in regard to lawsuits among believers or sexual immorality and 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 in regard to the abuse of the Lord’s Supper). A youth pastor might wonder about how to address those under his care on matters of dress code. At times, this can be a legalistic problem, and best left to the mother of her daughter to address, as addressed in a previous call-in program, in regard to skirts below the knee. As another example, a camp director was overbearing on such a matter, and forbade different sexes to be swimming together. As Bob had remarked to the camp director, that it is okay for he and his wife to sleep together in the privacy of their home but not to be swimming together in decency and modesty in a public place. As another example of legalistic behavior, that could be insisting that your church only serves the Lord’s Supper with real wine. In such a case, a pastor … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/03/2021

Victory Over Depression - Book

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P604 (02-03-21)


Oftentimes people grow up with religion and reject the reality of Christ Jesus. They associate Christ with things spoken in context of preachers speaking things that are simply not true. Instead of checking out what is being said as being true or not, we see no reality in it, so we reject the religion, but sadly we also reject Christ, whom we associate with in our minds. But one day, we see the reality of a changed life in someone else, who has the Spirit of God living in him. So we ask, what is it in him that is different? What kind of life does he have that I do not? Then you hear the practical wisdom he shares from God’s word. Your heart is moved. You see the practical wisdom and how people are able to walk in joy and peace. People have come to Christ that way. Christ in you was a light that shined in a dark world, but truth was made known concerning Christ, of the gospel that saves, and he believed and put His faith in Christ.

But as believers, as a child of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/10/2020

Faith in Jesus by Hearing

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P552 (07-10-20)


Sometimes we can get all bogged down worrying about whether someone is going to be saved. We shared the truth with him and we want him to be saved. But we have to learn what God’s role is and what our role is. One man waters, another plants, but God causes the growth. Ultimately, man has a free will. There are people who have heard the message of the gospel, but they do not want it. They are stubborn. We cannot make anyone want to listen. It is their free choice. It does no good to get all worried about that. Indeed, worry is sin. So let it go. Shake the dust off your feet and move on. Acknowledge that that worry is sin, praise God for His forgiveness of sin already, and thank Him for His great mercy and kindness to you.

Many times people do not understand what salvation is. Salvation is being saved from the consequence of sin, which is death, by the gift of God, which is life, eternal life. But people think salvation is getting sins forgiven, and stop there at the death of Christ … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/03/2020

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/03/2020

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P550 (07-03-20)


As each person exercises his spiritual gift, the body of Christ is built up. In all sincerity of heart, and genuine love, listen as Bob George instructs a person struggling with depression. Listen as others call in and thank or encourage Bob for what he is doing. Listen as another gives a gift of teaching materials on Victory over Depression to help his mother walk free from depression. Truth from the word of God through the Spirit of God shall truly set a person free. There is no boast but in Christ alone, for we all live by the grace of God. We all started out lost. We all have a continual need for our mind to be renewed. Praise be to God through our Lord, Jesus Christ. There is no hero. One person plants, another waters, but God makes it grow.

Depression can really have a grip on a person, where he or she is on medication or in a psychiatric hospital for even as long as 10 years. Many times, the real need is understanding the truth about depression, what it is, an emotion, and how our emotions … Listen to Broadcast & Read More