New Years P5 Radio Broadcast Friday 12/31/2021

The Star Shines on The King

Classic Christianity – New Years P5 (12-31-21)

A Star Shines on King Jesus!

When you think of all the things spoken by the prophets, that were fulfilled in Christ, and how sovereign God is, that everything He has said has come to pass, who, in their right mind, would not come to choose Life? The star stood over the place where Jesus lay, just as it was spoken through the prophet. Jesus shall be called Emmanuel, and we see the transfiguration, where a voice from heaven says, “Listen to him. This is My Beloved Son”. God spoke to Joseph and Mary through dreams, and what had been spoken through the prophets was fulfilled, such as Jesus would be called a Nazarene. Numerous miracles were performed through Jesus, as the prophets of old said he would do when he came. John the Baptist was visited in prison, and Jesus told his disciples to report these things to him while he was in prison. Jesus himself, at various times said that he would die, but on the third day, be raised again from the dead. Then, after Jesus’ resurrection, he appeared to over 500 people, who were still alive. And during that … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/25/2021

Be Thankful in Everything

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 4 (11-25-21)

Give Thanks to God Through Jesus in Everything We Do

Turn to Romans and read along as Bob explains its meaning. The book of Romans is a book of contrast between law and grace. The purpose of the law is for man to recognize his sinfulness, his condition of spiritual death, that he might seek a Savior in Jesus Christ. There is so much that the apostle Paul explains concerning the law; its purpose, it’s inability to make one righteous before God, it’s ministry of death to make man realize his sinful state. The law is like a mirror. A mirror can show dirt on the face but it has no power to remove the dirt. So too is the law to show man he is a sinner but there is no power in the law to make anyone righteous before God.

The law demands perfect obedience, which no man in his weakened sinful state could ever completely obey. As James said, if a man obeyed all of the law but failed at just one point, then he is guilty of breaking all of the law. A law without a penalty is no … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/24/2021

Thank You Jesus For Forgiveness

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 3 (11-24-21)

Give Thanks to God in Everything

It is so easy to forget. Paul reminds us again and again to be joyful always. How can we be joyful? First of all, do you have the Spirit of the living God living in you? Yes, you say. Then you are given the privilege of participating in the divine nature, the nature to be joyful. Why? What trust did you have for Christ to do for you? What was the biggest thing God did for you? He died for your sins, and indeed the sins of the entire world. Before you were even born, he demonstrated his love for mankind. He also had you in mind, in that while you were yet his enemy, a sinner, he died for you. He died so that the punishment of death required for sin was paid in full. He would bear the full consequence of that sin, and the sins of the entire world, upon himself, a price too great for you to pay. He did this so that when you came to see your condition of death you would look to him for new life. He was raised … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/08/2021

Jesus King of Kings

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P40 (11-08-21)

The Gospel in all its Truth

The Gospel in all its fullness, a righteousness from God that has been revealed, Christ alive living in you, your only hope of glory, is bearing fruit. When people think of the gospel, is that what they have heard and understood? Or, have you heard a half gospel, a gospel of merely getting your sins forgiven? Have you understand that there is a righteousness from God that has been revealed or are you still trying to obtain righteousness by what you do? Are you begging God to forgive you when you sin? Have you made up your own ideas of what righteousness is and how to get it? If so, then that is what man-made religion is.

Man-made religion never made anyone righteous in the sight of God any more than the Jews could under Judaism, by following the laws of Moses, the ten commandments and all the rest. Neither can man make himself righteous by doing the best he can. Any sort of system man makes up, whether confessing your sins to a priest to get forgiveness or going … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/03/2021

Jesus is King of Kings Lord of Lords

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P39 (11-03-21)

Receive Jesus and His Eternal Life in You and His Righteousness Imputed to You

What transpired at the Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus reveals who Jesus is and what He came to do. Jesus is God, He died in our place in order to give us eternal life. He came to be a king of a new kingdom not of this world, for His kingdom is to be lived within you, His righteousness imputed to you.

As you read again in the gospel of John, in John 18:28-40, where Jesus appears on trial before Pontius Pilate, with the kinds of questions Jesus is asked and His answer, and the unbelievable hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders, and the willingness of the Roman rulers to be so complicit in what ultimately led to His crucifixion, what insight, what understanding can you glean as to who Jesus is and His purpose on this earth? Can you come to a conclusion on not only what he died for but what He came for, as it relates to the meaning of not only the cross but also the resurrection?

John 18:28

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Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/19/2021

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest Now Rest

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P32 (10-19-21)

Come to Jesus; Enter that Sabbath Rest God Has Provided; Take a Vacation in Jesus

Why do we not experience peace? Is it because of faulty thinking? So, when you recognize you are not thinking correctly, do you go to a counselor instead of the Counselor, the Spirit of truth? What did the counselor prescribe? Maybe the counselor did point you to the Counselor. Or, maybe he just gave you some medicine to numb your mind. Either way, he cannot help you. But if He knows Christ, he can certainly point you to the one who can. Or do you go to a gentle stream? And you might feel some temporary relief, until you leave the scene. Is that the peace we read about that Jesus tells us we can have? No. He says that He gives us peace the world knows nothing about.

John 14:25-27
25 “All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to

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