Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 08/25/2022

In Christ Jesus We are Saints

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P763 (08-25-22)

All Those In Christ Jesus Are Part of The Holy Priesthood Called Saints

~ It’s so important to understand our identity in Christ Jesus. The error in teaching out there in the religious world has people brainwashed into believing the lies of Satan in regards to churches having priests and fathers over the people. Yet we are told in scripture that we are not to call anyone “father” as far as it relates to religion, for there is only one Father and He is in heaven. In addition to that, people don’t have a clue, that if you have been born again of the Spirit of God, and the Holy Spirit lives in you, then you are declared a Saint by God. You are not a saint because of what you do or what you don’t do. No one will be declared righteous before God based on their works. Listen in as Bob shares truth from the word of God.

Matthew 23:9
“And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.”

1 Corinthians 1:2
“Unto the church of God which is at … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 08/16/2021

Taken Away Forever

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P4 (08-16-21)

What the Cross Made Possible for Mankind: An Indestructible Life

What did Jesus’ shed blood on a cross make possible for you and I? And, if Jesus was not raised from the dead, would all that was made possible by the cross be a reality in our life? Think about these questions as you ponder over the passages of scriptures in Hebrews, where the New Covenant God made, not just with the Israelites, but with all of mankind, is explained. Looking at specific passages in scriptures, such as Hebrews 9:22, 27-28, Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:1-18, what conclusions can you come to in regard to the totality of the cross? What can you say in regard to the forgiveness of sins, of being made holy, to be made complete, in Christ?

What God has done for us in this New Covenant is He tells us that He will remember our sins no more and where these have been forgiven there is no longer any sacrifice for sins. In order to usher in a New Covenant, what was done in order for God, through His resurrected life, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/05/2021

Jesus is Our Priest Forever

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P18 (07-05-21)


Many times young people are taught to memorize scripture. I am not sure if they are even taught to read the bible on their own. So we create little smart-sounding people that get rewarded for how many verses they memorize. But the real question is, do they understand what they memorized, and in context? Otherwise, we have essentially trained a computer to spit out what is put in.

Other people have been trained that certain people who have special training, are the only ones that have the corner on truth. In some denominations, you are taught that only the Magisterium can interpret the bible, and talk of something called oral tradition as of greater value in knowing what truth is. The problem with denominations, whether Protestant, Catholic or anything else, people are taught denominational persuasions of men. How would you know if what you are being taught is true or not?

The word of God is the source of truth. But ultimately, the author of the bible, God Himself, has to reveal truth to men by the Spirit He has given. Faith comes by hearing and hearing … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/18/2019

Jesus Life Saves a Person

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P432 (4-18-19)

Bob George received a call from Jim who simply asked if love is more important than faith. Bob answered from scripture that love indeed is greater than faith because love is from God and God is love. God initiated love to us and we respond to that love in faith. So faith is man’s response to love. Do we accept his love or do we reject it? Do we even understand that love? Whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.

Bob George also received a call from a young college lady, Lynn, who had found herself in an unwanted situation. She had committed fornication and is now pregnant. She wanted to know if abortion was wrong. Bob graciously shared truth with her, that abortion indeed is the sin of murder. Bob graciously provided practical advice and explained the truth of God’s unconditional love toward her. He shared such practical wisdom to help her make choices in line with who she is as a born again believer. God created life and this child she has was a life God intended to live. So if the life of … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/29/2019

Your Sins Have Been Forgiven by God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P427 (3-29-19)

Bob George RadioBob received a from Mark from Ketchner, Ontario asking about the meaning of the priesthood of believers. He also wanted to know if there is any association of the Catholic priesthood to the scriptures. Prior to the cross and throughout the Old Covenant, the Levites were the only priests in existence. The Roman Catholic priesthood came much later and is a man-made tradition. When Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross, he initiated a New Covenant with men, abolishing the Old Covenant with all its animal sacrifices and need for priests to carry out those duties for a temporary covering for sin. For a Catholic priest to say that he can absolve sins of man is heretical teaching. For such a Catholic system of sacrifice to exist today is in total contrast to God’s word. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. What basis is there for a continual, unbloody sacrifice of the mass? None! Jesus Christ sacrifice, his blood shed on the cross, was once and for all, and all sufficient to take away the sins of the world. No other sacrifice is needed nor … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message