Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P90 (04-09-24)
Repentance is a Change of Mind of Who Jesus is and What He Did on the Cross
~ Most people have NOT changed their minds about what Jesus did on the cross. They give lip service to Jesus and His finished work on the cross. Jesus, God in flesh, took away the sins of the world. Yet every big box and most small box churches are teaching the lie of ongoing forgiveness. And people are so in love with their false ministers of righteousness, that they don’t care what the bottom line teaching is in regards to forgiveness. These people are dead. They are dead in their unbelief. They think they are saved, yet they hop onto other lies of Satan simply because that is what their itching ears want to hear. And there is nothing new under the sun. Satan has done a masterful job of deceiving the nations (all the people of the world). People love their sports stars, their movie stars, and even use them for quoting other lies of the devil. Then there are those that constantly throw out the word of God because they spread the lie … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message