Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/18/2020

Faith is Standing in Truth

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P572 (09-18-20)


Jesus told us that the gospel will go out into all the world and then the end will come. So we are busy about doing what God has called us to do, to make God known. The reason we are here is to proclaim Him. Make the most of every opportunity, for the days are evil.

Jesus Christ is the solution to the world’s problems. It will not be solved by peace treaties and doing good to others. The problem goes deeper than that. It is a problem in the human heart, of mankind being born dead to God. We are born dead spiritually, that is, without the Spirit of God living in us. Unless a man is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. The only life available to mankind is the resurrected life of Christ Jesus.

Doing good to others is not going to give life to someone who is dead. Yes, it is helpful to lead someone to Christ, for it is God’s lovingkindness that led us to repentance. God is love so we love because He first loved us. We are to allow the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 9/14/2020

Forgiveness is Finished

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P64 (09-14-20)


We are to walk by faith in truth. We are to walk by faith in Christ, who gave his life for you so he could give his life to you so he could live his life in you and through you. Indeed, it is by faith in what Christ alone has done, by his death, burial and resurrection that we have become a child of God. As a child of God you have been given the choice to walk in the newness of life, to choose to participate in the divine nature, who lives in you. As a child of God, Christ lives in you. Everything that is a characteristic of God; compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, is in you. You do not have to go get compassion or pray for patience. You already have all of that, who is Christ Jesus, living in you. You access Him. He is already there, in you. You clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. You put it on.

Since we, as a child of God, are a member of the body of Christ, and we … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/11/2020

Jesus Took Away All Your Sins at The Cross

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P570 (09-11-20)


You cannot escape troubles in this fallen world, and many people have gone through horrendous things in this life, abuse of all kinds, beaten and rejected by a spouse, or molested by a close relative, and they carry hurtful and very painful memories and scars. But God wants us to be set free with truth, to turn our eyes to Him and live in His wonderful grace. We choose not to recall those painful memories, except to the degree that we can comfort others, who are going through the same things we did, with the same comfort we received from God.

So let go of the past so you can live in the present. And at times, even the present circumstances you are in, you are an overcomer in Christ, who promised to cause all things to happen for the good to those who love Him and are called according to His good purpose. It is not that he will make bad good, but He will cause all things to turn out for your good. For example, if someone is so hard of heart, such as an unbelieving spouse, and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/04/2020

Be Born of The Spirit for Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P568 (09-04-20)


So many people call in with questions they want answers to. Some wonder how we are meant to live the Christian life. Others wonder about end time events, like what has happened to Damasus. And in our world today, the end of the age certainly seems to be speedily coming toward the end. Time seems so short, like the rapture could occur within ten years. There are so many signs we see today, like Damascus being a heap of ruins, as prophesied by Isaiah.

But as curious as many people are toward end time events, the nagging questions people have about the meaning and purpose of life are still the same. It seems error seems to spread like wildfire and can never be quenched from being spread to the naive and those lacking discernment. The same errors are being propagated from generation to generation, from denominational persuasions of men and from the world. You still keep hearing the same questions. Is tithing for today? Why do pastors teach tithing? What is this strange teaching I hear about healing in the atonement? How can anyone find out what is true?

It … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 06/29/2020

Jesus is Our Only Hope

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P31 (06-29-20)


Let us learn about laying a solid foundation of Christ Jesus living in you. You must start with and continue on with gaining a deeper understanding of Christ, who is your life. It is not only going to be a foundation of what your hope of glory is, but it will be a foundation for you for subjects like predestination and election, which was discussed last week. It is a foundation in which to live in all godliness, which is by faith.

With any foundation, if your premise is off, then everything else will be off. Without a proper understanding of these things, without a foundation, you really cannot understand the scriptures correctly, they make no sense, and you are tossed to and fro by every wind of teaching. So we looked at Pentecost and how Christ is the head of the body, the church, the Ekklesia, made up of both born again Jews and born again Gentiles. So you have a place to start and build on, to form a solid foundation. From there, as you read through Romans, Ephesians and Hebrews, you begin to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/18/2020

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P545 (06-18-20)


It is quite often that people read a passage of scripture that just does not seem very clear to them. Other scriptures they have read makes them think they have not properly understood that passage of scripture. So they call in to get clarification and understanding. There are several passages of scripture that are frequently asked even today. There are these passages in Romans 8 about election and predestination, and there is a whole erroneous theology people have come up with on that. Then you have this passage in the time Jesus was walking the earth prior to the cross in John 20:22-23, where Jesus said to receive the Holy spirit and that if you do not forgive someone their sins they are not forgiven. Then you have the one in Hebrews 10:26-27, about sinning against the knowledge of truth and the expectation of raging fire that consumes the enemies of God. Many a person has incorrectly understood this to mean you can lose your salvation.

So oftentimes, when people grow up in false teaching and theology, it takes time to unravel all the things that they have been taught. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More