Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/03/2021

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/03/2021

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P639 (06-03-21)


A common question asked is in regard to the law. What is the law? Does it include the ten commandments as well as the dietary laws? Are those laws, particularly the ten commandments, a guide for us to live by? For Christians? Should believers be teaching people to obey the law? We all fall short of the law. We all have sinned. Can we ever be made holy by what we do? These are some of the most frequently asked questions.

First, what is the purpose of the law? Was the law ever added to make us righteous? According to the apostle Paul, no one will ever be made righteous by observing the law. It is through the law that we are conscious of sin. Why then was the law given? Paul even says the law is holy, righteous and good. But then he discovers that he is not righteous, and the law only stirred up sin in him. And that is the problem. The law is like a mirror. A mirror can show you there is dirt on your face, but a mirror cannot be used to remove the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 06/15/2020

Faith Responds to Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P25 (06-15-20)


Now let us look at this wonderful hope we have. If you ever had to sell your car or house, you want to do so to get a good deal, to exchange something of value, such as a car, that someone else deems valuable. You want the money you receive in exchange for selling your car as more valuable to you than the car. That is a good deal. Now, in Christ, we have an incredibly good deal! We exchanged a few brief years on this earth, allowing Christ to live his life in and through us, and in exchange we will one day be present with the Lord with a new glorious body that never gets old and never dies, and is no longer in the presence of sin, nor will ever experience sorrow, sickness or pain again, and we will forever be with the Lord for eternity. That is a great deal! That is the marvelous hope we have in Christ Jesus. We know this hope is going to happen because the Lord told us in His word that it will happen. That is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/22/2020

Knowing God is Knowing Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P33 (01-22-19)


Mankind was created by God to be in a loving relationship of trust. We were to trust God, the one who created us. Mankind was created with free will so we can choose to love God. But since the fall of mankind, we have his sin-indwelling flesh, that is in conflict with the Spirit. The flesh does not trust the Spirit.

It seems that those who are uneducated, the poor or the slaves are much more likely to depend on God. You may notice the black spirituals in the days of slavery where the blacks relied so much on God, for that is all they had. I was just talking with my sister who observed a nursing home that was the most poorly funded and had few equipment available to help the elderly. They were the most kind-hearted and grateful people compared to the other nursing homes in the area that had so much more.

In the time of Christ Jesus, the lame, the sick, those with leprosy, and the downtrodden came to Christ before the religious Jews or the wealthy. It seems those who recognize their need in the physical … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/14/2019

Jesus Fulfilled The Law In Perfect Love

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P491 (11-14-19)


Several people called to ask common questions. Many things are not properly understood because people are not reading the word for themselves, not letting the Holy Spirit teach them, or would rather believe what some denominational persuasion has them convinced is true. Such is the case of many of the callers who call.

These callers called because they wanted to know truth and Bob graciously answered their questions from what the Holy Spirit has revealed to him. Is tithing for today? What about Malachi? Am I robbing God? What is the way of giving under the New Covenant? Is God punishing me because I married out of wedlock, and now I am pregnant and had a miscarriage? Should I always turn the other cheek? Should I keep giving to someone who continuously steals from me? What is the line drawn on forgiving somebody? What really is forgiving someone? Am I enabling someone when I keep giving and giving to a person who never changes his stupid or sinful behavior? What happened in the garden of Eden? What happened to all mankind? Can man get that life back again?

These and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/18/2019

Worship in Spirit

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P456 (7-18-19)


Bob received calls from several callers, asking common questions asked in the world still today. Danny asked, “Do you believe in the Trinity?” John asked, “What does Romans 8:17 mean that ‘we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory’?” Sam essentially asked, “What about the person who has never had the opportunity to hear the gospel message?” You may have heard a similar question, “What about the heathen in Africa?” From the scriptures, Bob explains the Trinity, that God is the Father, God is the Son and God is the Holy Spirit but there is only one God; about the sufferings of Christians, that we do not look for suffering but sufferings will inevitably come, and that there is no person who has not heard but even if there was, we leave that decision to God, who will do what is right in accordance with who He is, a perfectly loving and just God.

Sam also asked a more specific question about the Muslim who has never heard, since he was just raised Muslim all his life. Bob shares the truth of the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/12/2019

Holy Spirit Life

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 33 (06-12-19)

Bob George explains from John 6 what Jesus meant when he said to eat his flesh and drink his blood (John 6:53-59). In the natural mind, it sounds like he is teaching cannibalism. The natural man understands nothing but the spiritual man understands everything. Jesus is not teaching cannibalism at all nor is he saying that we are to ingest a wafer offered by a priest in order to have the life of Christ. You do not mix the natural with the spiritual. Flesh and blood do not inherit the kingdom of God. The Spirit gives life and the flesh counts for nothing. Jesus is speaking about spiritual food. He is explaining that he is the bread of life, not a physical piece of bread, but that he is the Holy one of God who has the words of eternal life, spiritual food man desperately needs to live forever. Whoever believes that he came from heaven and has a message from heaven will follow him to the cross and to the empty tomb. The lost man comes to understand he is spiritually dead and in need of life, and the only … Listen to Broadcast & Read More