Classic Christianity – New Years P4 (12-30-21)
The Holy Spirit is Constantly Renewing Your Mind – Teaching You Truth
Simeon prophesied that Jesus will cause the rising and falling of many in Israel, a sign that will be spoken against, so that the hearts of many will be revealed. There is something about mankind, who is born spiritually dead, that he is naturally opposed to truth. Truth sounds as foolishness to him. You can talk about God all day long, and people seem to be okay with that. People talk about all kinds of religions, and people are okay with that too. But once you talk about Jesus or the truth of His word, there is an aversion, a pulling away, or even quite a reaction with false accusations.
In today’s world, hardly anyone wants to hear truth anymore. The bible and prayer have long been kicked out of the public sphere. Situational ethics and evolution have been taught in our schools. Seminaries are teaching things that ought not to be taught. Even bible societies and bible translators are not required to uphold the bible as the inerrant word of God. Jesus warned about this when he spoke about the … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message