Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/12/2021

Jesus Alone Forgave All Sins

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P35 (01-12-21)


Who is Jesus Christ, and by knowing that, what does that mean to me personally? That is the question of the century. Certainly he is a man of history, someone who walked on this earth, as even our calendars are divided into B.C. and A.D. There were prophecies recorded down in the scriptures that predicted what would the promised Messiah would do, as spoken by the prophets.

Then we read about the eyewitnesses of Jesus Christ, while he was on this earth, and he fulfilled every one of those prophecies. Then we had the testimony of Jesus’ interaction with Mary Magdalene, his mother Mary, his disciples and the afflicted, who recognized who he is and bowed down and worshiped him. He healed the sick, made the blind see, walked on water, calmed the storms by His word, spoke words no man has ever heard, penetrating the hearts of men, exposing their inner heart to them, yet extending mercy and grace, being full of grace and truth. Ultimately he died on a cross and rose again, just as the prophets said would happen. Many did not believe, did not … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/07/2021

Salvation is Eternal Life in Him

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P596 (01-07-21)


So many people call in and ask questions about salvation. They are often confused by what they hear in their particular denomination or various preachers on television. Again, it is so important to rely on the holy spirit to reveal truth to you through the scriptures He has given to us through the prophets and apostles, who were eyewitnesses, when Jesus was alive walking on this earth. Ultimately, that is where truth has to come, from the Spirit of God in Jesus, who Himself is God in the flesh.

So often we hear from people that you can lose your salvation or that you have to do something to keep yourself right with God, or you have to be obedient to the law so as to keep in God’s grace or to do some religious practice to get more grace. All of that is simply not true. If anyone says you can lose your salvation then they do not know what salvation is. If anyone says that salvation depends on what you do then he does not understand salvation. If you are in Christ, you cannot get any more than … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 12/04/2020

Jesus Gives Resurrection Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P591 (12-04-20)


So you want to share truth with your family and friends. You sense in your spirit, and maybe you are even convinced from your reading of God’s word, that surely we are in the last days. But I have loved ones, and I have Jewish friends, and Catholic and Protestant friends! How do I share the truth of the gospel to them?

Yes, I have friends in all kinds of situations. Some seem quite moral, and others legalistic. Some are struggling in their marriage, or addicted to drugs. They all can be nice people, too, of all kinds of religious backgrounds or lack thereof. They all seem like really nice people, at least when I interact with them. And, is there really one sin that is more serious than others? What about the nasty nine or the terrible twelve sins? I mean practically people go to jail or get death penalty, but what is God’s perspective on all this? None of us are perfect. What is God’s expectation of us? What does God want from us? Can anyone really approach God, who is absolutely sinless perfection?

In essence, these are … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/03/2020

Quit Walking in Unbelief

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P590 (12-03-20)


Are you open to listening to truth? Are you willing to let the Holy Spirit teach you, to reveal to you what truth is? Truth is in a person, the person of Jesus Christ. He testified of this by saying, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”.

So often we tend to separate the physical from the spiritual, as if those two worlds never intersect. That the spiritual stuff is those things on Sunday mornings, when you sing praise songs or sit in a pew reciting, “Lord have mercy” from a missalette without a clue what it means. Yes, you might know you have sinful behavior and in need of that sin and guilt dealt with, but you see no source of power or ability to do anything about it, except a temporary confessional that seems to at least ease your guilt and make you feel better.

As a lost person, you are dead to spiritual things. You do not know that the spiritual is what real life is, and that affects and makes life worth living. The spiritual is a relationship with a real person, the person … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/06/2020

Jesus is Immanuel God With Us

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P2 (10-06-20)


So let us explore the facts and thoroughly examine the claims of Jesus Christ. If you were to look at all the leaders of various religions that exist out there, whether Buddha or Mohammad, what they did in their lifetime is nothing in comparison, and quite contrary, to what Jesus did. The calendar used by the world has engraved in its meaning, Anno Domini (Latin : “In the year of (our) Lord”), shortened as AD or A.D., and is used to refer to the years after the birth of Jesus.

As we read the account of the life of Christ in the gospel of John, you will read that he fulfilled the words of the prophets, that he was born a virgin, to be named Jesus because he will save his people from their sins. You will read that he will be called Immanuel, which means “God with us”. Jesus literally is God come in the flesh! He is referred to as the Son of God.

Then you will also read what Jesus said concerning himself. He said that he is the way, the truth and the life. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 9/09/2020

Jesus is Talking to You

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P63 (09-09-20)


So we allow Christ to live His life in us and through us by having our minds renewed with truth, of who God is, so that new attitudes of heart are formed in us, the attitudes of servitude, of humility and dependency that are in Christ Jesus, and modeled perfectly by Christ as He walked on this earth, in appearance as a man, being God, but functioning as a man for our sakes. We imitate His faith, not His actions. Actions are a result of attitudes, a result of dependency on Christ, being internally led by the Spirit of God who lives in us. When you have the Spirit of God living in you, then you can hear His voice like a sheep knows the voice of a shepherd. As a new creation in Christ, we have been given the privilege to participate in the divine nature.

Now, we were not born alive with the Spirit of God living in us. We were born spiritually dead. That is why man feels empty inside, because he is. He has a body and a soul and a human … Listen to Broadcast & Read More