Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P847 (06-29-23)
The Finality of the Cross is Key to Understanding Completed Forgiveness by God!
~ It is important for us to understand that most teachers and pastors today are lost and don’t know Jesus at all, because by their fruits we can see they are teaching lies upon lies. The key to everything is found in the finality of the cross. Jesus forgave the sins of the whole world. God is no longer counting any of those sins against anyone today. The only sin that needs to be repented of is unbelief in Jesus. Jesus said that the world’s sin is unbelief in Him [ref. John 16:9-11]. The issue today, is are you alive in Christ Jesus or are you dead spirituality in unbelief? Because a dead man needs life. And most people sitting in a brick and mortar building built by man today are dead as a hammer and are being taught by dead men too. They do not have the Spirit of God living in them. Jesus said that he would send His Holy Spirit to dwell in a person by faith in Him. Place faith in Jesus today and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More