Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P709 (02-17-22)
Is Tithing for Today? Forgiveness And God is The Initiator
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32
Bob: We’re gonna go to Pebble Beach, California, Manom you’re on the air.
Manom: Hi. My question is my husband and I come from different backgrounds, but I’m Catholic my husband’s Protestant and we’ve tried very hard to lead a Christian, you know, household. With a husband head of the household and we raise our children to go to Sunday school and we both had the benefit of growing up in households that had that kind of structure. But now that we’re older and our parents are getting older in their 70s and 60s, we go back home and we find our parents aren’t living certain Christian principles and it’s causing a lot of conflict, like, his parents have changed religion and maybe come to me, less Christian, and I’m, we have a lot of conflicts with them and I want To lead a Christian lifestyle, but I feel like it’s a lie when we go home for family visits and it’s … Listen to Broadcast & Read More